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New doctor joins Bluffton Women's Care


Robert Schutz, MD, has joined Bluffton Women’s Care, 559 Harmon Road, Bluffton, part of Blanchard Valley Medical Practices.

Dr. Schutz provides obstetrics and gynecological care, and is accepting new and existing patients. He is joined at Bluffton Women’s Care by his longtime associates certified nurse midwives Tonya Fenzl and Shirley Cole.

Stratton Minix was retired from Ford Motor Co.

Stratton Minix, 81, died on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2016, at 11:54 a.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima.  

He was born on Jan. 6, 1934, in Breathitt County, Kentucky, to Bill and Laura (Watkins) Minix and they preceded him in death. He was raised by Leander and Laura Rowe. Stratton married Bonnie L. Burris on Dec. 31, 1982, and she survives in Alger. 

Stratton retired in 1999 after 35 years from Ford Motor Company, Lima as a stock handler. He was a life member of the McGuffey Conservation Club. He was affiliated with the Baptist Church. 

Ada Icon 2015 total visits reach nearly 100,000

Q: How many individuals viewed the Ada Icon in 2015?
A: Would you believe 42,684? That’s the answer, according to Google Analytics.

The analytic program tracks more statistics that we know what to do with. Needless to say, it reveals lots of significant information.

We’d like to share some of our 2015 facts and figures with viewers. For starters, those 42,684 viewers clicked on the Icon almost 100,000 times, or an average of a little over 8,000 total visits each month.

2015 viewer summary

Here's what the ONU photographer saw this past fall

The old year is gone and we are not quite 24 hour into 2016. 

Before we close the book on the year just past, let's take a look at some of the fall photos that help tell the ONU story.

Ohio Northern University Facebook offers a great selection of fall semester 2015 photos. 

For an interesting look-back of campus shots click here.

Here' a NY resolution idea

There are hundreds of books at the Ada Public Library. Here's a glance at a selection of new books. Why not make one of your new year resolutions to make a weekly trip to the Ada Public Library. While there check out the stacks.

The countdown is on

Good bye 2015...hello 2016. The Ada Icon wishes you a happy new year!
