Central Collection Agency (CCA), administrator of Ada's village income tax, will have representatives in Ada on Saturday for persons who have questions about completing their village tax forms.
CCA representatives will be at The Depot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to help persons with the village taxes.
Earlier this year the village announced through The Village Voice:
"If taxpayers have filed municipal taxes in years past, you are may be accustomed to receiving a tax package, including tax forms, from CCA each January.
"In the interest of reducing costs, CCA will no longer mail forms directly to you. You may receive an informational postcard in the mail from CCA, explaining the change to you.
"The Village/Water office now has copies of the 2015 tax forms available. We will also be providing the Ada Public Library with a limited number of forms."
Taxpayers are able to file their municipal taxes via CCA’s website: www.ccatax.ci.cleveland.oh.us. There is also a link to the website on the Village’s website: www.adaoh.org.
Please remember that by ordinance, Ada residents are subject to mandatory filing for municipal taxes. If you have earned income within the Village, you are required to file municipal taxes.
CCA is a customer-oriented business, and welcomes questions at 1-800-223-6317. CCA will be in Ada on Saturday, March 19, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Ada Historic Depot to assist taxpayers with their municipal tax forms. w2015 municipal taxes are due by April 18, 2016.