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Women L.E.A.D. social media workshop at ONU March 30

Alisa Agozzino, assistant professor of public relations at Ohio Northern University, is the next speaker in the 2016 Women L.E.A.D. Speaker Series.

She will present "How to Optimize your Social Media Presence," during a ONU Dicke Forum, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 30.

Dr. Agozzino's main research lies in social media tools within the public relations field. 

Areas covered include:

• Tactics for boosting your online presence
• Choosing the right platform: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, YouTube, LinkedIn
• How to create an integrated social media strategy
• Expertly engage with your audience with visual storytelling
• Social media success: Getting off to a good start
• Social media metrics - measuring what's really important
• Managing your online reputation

RSVP to [email protected] or 419-673-4131 if you plan to attend. 




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