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Ada's latest news

Oh, I know where this one is! Do you?

Welcome to Ada’s A-B-C Summer Contest.

Each week in June and ending in the first week of July, The Icon will post two photos revealing one letter (or number) taken from Main Street Ada buildings and structures. All photos were taken in May by the Icon’s official contest photographer, Bailey Bowers. The photos cover Main from College Avenue on the south to Highland Avenue on the north.

We invite Icon viewers to keep track of the letters by identifying each letter’s location. An entry form is attached to this story for viewers to keep up to date in the contest.

Fence enhances quaint vintage charm of Mustard Seed Cafe, Bluffton; here's this weekend's specials

You may have noticed that Mustard Seed Café, 562 N. Main St. Bluffton, now has a fence that encloses its patio areas. This is part of a state requirement in order to serve wine and beer in an outdoor setting.  The fence also enhances the quaint vintage charm of the train depot location.

The café now offers light fare that goes nicely with the new wine and beer selections. “Red and White Slates” consist of cheese, breads, meats, olives or fresh fruit served on a tile, paired with red or white wine.

Summer reading

Ada sixth grader Megan Lights enjoys some summer reading of a book in the Ada Public Library.

Free and reduced lunches served school-age youth in the park thanks to ReStore grant

Lunch is served! And it’s a picnic in the park.

From June 23 until Aug. 8 ReStore Community Center is providing free and reduced lunches to Ada youth, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Ohio Department of Education.

The lunches are provided at the Ada Park shelter house number 2 Mondays through Fridays noon to 1:30 p.m. The lunches are provided through the grant Monday to Thursdays. Padrone’s Pizza provides lunch on Fridays.

Ada police call logs June 16-22

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided the Icon with the Ada police call logs from June 16 to 22. 

They are in attachments at the bottom of this story.

Village Voice: Here's the 2013 village water report

Village of Ada Water Department
2013 Drinking Water Quality Report

The Ada Water Department has prepared the following report to provide information to you, the consumer, on the quality of our drinking water. Included within this report is general health information, water quality test results, how to participate in decisions concerning your drinking water and water system contacts.

Because the report includes several charts, the Icon is posting the entire report on an attachment at the bottom of this story.

