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Liberty Belles and Boys elect officers

By Maddie Gossard
The Liberty Belles and Boys had a 4-H organized for the year earlier this week. There were 39 members who attended. 

Officers were elected as follows Will Allen - President, Nora Dellifield - Vice President, Kaitlyn Long - Secretary, Casey Swick- Treasurer, Maddie Gossard - Reporter and Historian, Jon Allen- Photographer, Katey Stuart - Health, Andrew Rohrabaugh- Safety, Carson Gossard- Flags, Molly Sheets, Paige Jochims, and Reece Evans- Recreation Leaders. 

Members divided up into groups to review the Robert's Rules and to role play how to make motions. Demonstrations were given by Will Allen, Casey Swick, and Mackenzie Wills. The next meeting will be April 21. 
