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To Ada HS seniors: "You all have so much more to look forward to"

All of us who went to Ada HS can sympathize with what you guys are going through

The Icon invites former residents to send greetings to Ada. Our first contributor is Matthew Scott, 1993 Ada High School grad, living in Seattle, Washington.

My message is to the seniors of Ada High School. 

All of us who went to Ada HS can sympathize with what you guys are going through. Spring sports were cancelled, so those of you who were in track, baseball, soccer, etc... won't get to play your final season :(    

Prom, graduation, and more have been cancelled, and you probably feel like you have been cheated out of one of the best times of your lives, which is natural.   

Drum roll, and now the Interclass winners

Looks like senior rule

Ada High School senior class is the winning class of the 2020 Interclass competition. The seniors compiled 1,115 points. Individual winners in the various entry categories follow:

3rd-Haley Robirds
2nd-Kylie Colwell
1st-Hunter Wells


3rd-Cole Anspaugh
2nd-Ethan Shafer
1st-Nathan Hurtig

Short Story:
3rd-Carmen Mancuso
2nd-Aleece Al-Olimat
1st-Kaylee Huffer

Dramatic Reading:
3rd-Josie Poling
2nd-Olivia Thomas
1st-Kesewa Akyeampong

Send a greeting to some one in Ada

Did you grow up in Ada, and have since moved away?

If so, we'd like to hear from you, especially since you are probably in a stay-at-home situation. Send us an email. Tell us how you are doing. And, tell us who we should send your greetings to in Ada.

Contact us at [email protected]

(Don't forget to send a selfie)

15 minutes with Mashhour Alqurashi, ONU pharmacy student

From Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a city of 5 million, to Ada, Ohio

Pardon our recent distracation. The Icon has a couple 15-minute interviews with ONU international students that we've not had a chance to post. Our intern, Liza Dyachuk, from Russia, conducted these in early March. We hope these students are able to continue to communicate with their family and we hope everyone is well.

Interview by Liza Dyachuk

Mashhour Alqurashi
From Saudi Arabia 
Junior pharmacy major

And, they are dramatic

Interclass Competition offers three memorized readings

The 114th annual Ada High School Interclass Competition enters Day 4, the final day. Icon viewers may watch today’s contestants on the video at the bottom of this story. 

Dramatic Reading:
Sophomore -- Olivia Thomas
Junior -- Kesewa Akyeampong
Senior -- Josie Poling

Because of the no-school situation, the competition is on YouTube and may be viewed on the Icon and Ada Bulldogs Facebook. CLICK HERE to view the entire competition program.

Vancrest residents' video - next best thing to being there

Over 30 residents featured with messages to family and friends

Vancrest of Ada residents tackled social distancing by creating a video that could easily win an Academy Award for short subjects.

A three-minute video on Vancrest’s Facebook  (once on the Facebook, scroll down to find the video) features nearly 30 residents with messages to their families and loved loves.

Sara Vordermark, assistant administrator, tells the Icon that while it’s been a crazy month, everyone is so understanding with the situation.
