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Nora Dellifield in today's Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Nora Dellifield is today's senior in the spotlight.

Tori Gillham in today's Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Tori Gillham is today's senior in the spotlight.

Chris Wire didn't build a better mousetrap

Instead, he did create a mousetrap video, viewed, oh, perhaps 100 million times


Ada native Chris Wire didn’t build a better mousetrap. He didn’t have to.

Instead, he did create 30-second mousetrap video, viewed, oh, perhaps 100 million times. You’ve no doubt viewed it yourself.

Chris, a 1989 Ada High School graduate and son of Keith and Kathy Wire, owners of Keith’s Hardware, is principal owner of Real Art, a technology and design agency in Dayton. 

He says that prior to attending the University of Dayton he worked at Keith’s Hardware practically every day and weekends since he was born and all the way through high school.

Tony Wolke retires after serving 25 years on the park board

Randy Preston joins Bob Szuch and Ron Klingler on the board

Thousands of people have visited the Ada Park – officially known as the Liberty Township Park District –  in the past quarter century. 

They’ve attended Farmers and Merchants Picnics, plus watched one or countless games of football, softball, soccer, track, baseball, midget football and youth soccer. 

Or, they walked their dog, took a stroll to enjoy the trees as they bloomed each spring and turned red and orange in the fall, or had a picnic in the park.

During the past 25 years, one of the three members of the board who oversees Ada’s favorite playground is Tony Wolke.

Katie Butterfield in the senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight.Katie Butterfield is today's senior in the spotlight.

It's for a real zoo out there

ONU alum Ben Stahler and his wife making masks for zookeepers in Columbus

FROM OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY FACEBOOK -  With the recent discovery of a Bronx Zoo tiger testing positive for COVID-19 has led researchers to believe that the virus can spread from people to animals in some situations.

ONU alumnus and Mayor of Bellefontaine Ben Stahler, BSPh ’83, and his wife, Sara, who is a docent for the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, have sewn several masks to donate to zookeepers to keep both themselves and animals safe during the pandemic.

