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Theatre department honor to Sydney Hartford

Ada HS grad is a student scholar at Ohio State-Lima

Ada High School graduate Sydney Hartford is among several Ohio State-Lima student scholars recognized this week for scholarly work, overall achievement and service to the campus.

She received the university’s theatre department award. Her citation follows: 

Sydney tackled her work on stage, in the classroom, and behind the scenes with equal amounts of talent, hard work, humility, intelligence and dedication. 

There's a guy named Traxler in Ada blowing out 84 birthday candles today

Former mayor, former community cheerleader, if he isn't Mr. Ada, we don't know who is

Ada’s favorite “Don” celebrates his 84th birthday on April 28. “Don” Traxler is at Vancrest Ada, not able to have any visitors, as Vancrest is in a lockdown. Help him celebrate by sending him an email at [email protected] or call him at 419-957-9383.

Don doesn’t remember this interview he and I had in 2004. At the time I was a freelance writer for a Ohio Democrat publication. My beat was northwestern Ohio. Don was a natural fit for this publication. The article follows with some minor updates.

Kianna Green in today's Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Kianna Green is today's senior in the spotlight.

Thank you, essential workers

Students in Mrs. Winklejohn's art classes speak from the heart

It reads like, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," letter to eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon from Francis Pharcelus Church, editor of the New York Sun newspaper.

Only, it's from Jasmine Gibson to all the teachers in Ada. It's one of over a dozen thank you notes written by students in Mrs. Winklejohn's elementary art classes and posted on the Ada Bulldogs Facebook.

The thank you notes cover just about every occupation of essential workers that you can list – you will see several examples at the bottom of this story and by clicking here (to the Ada Bulldogs Facebook).

Ada HS senior spotlight on Dylan East

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Dylan East is today's senior in the spotlight.

Here's the Apollo Career Center honor roll

Here’s area students on the Apollo Career Center third quarter honor roll:

4.0 honor roll

Colby Kloeppel 
Lillian Campbell,  Austin Warren 
Allen East
Danielle Blakeley, Kelsie Hubbard, Miranda Kirkkpatrick, Abigail Whitaker
