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ONU student profiles - features Ada's own Aaron Everhart

Currently on the ONU website

FROM ONU WEBSITE - ONU criminal justice major Aaron Everhart is a hometown guy, having grown up in Ada.

That was part of the reason he chose Ohio Northern – it really was home. That said, being involved in the production of a Super Bowl commercial wasn’t something he ever expected to happen to him, let alone through his Ada and Ohio Northern connections.

Through his family’s business, Everhart Trucking LLC, Aaron was presented with the opportunity to operate a truck used in the filming of a CBS Super Bowl pregame commercial filmed just down the road from ONU’s campus at the Wilson Football Factory.

Blanchard Plesant Buckeyes 4-H Club organizes

The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes met on Monday, April 8 in the Hardin Northern Ag building.  Recreation for the night was a game teaching the new members the 4-H pledge. Leading the meeting was president Megan Miller.  Pledge of Allegiance was led by Zander Richardson and the 4-H Pledge by Hayden Sampson. Roll call was your favorite pizza topping.  There were 57 total present, 43 members, 6 advisors, and 8 guests.

45 minutes of Shakespeare

Ada HS sophomore advanced English students meet the bard in the form of John Robert Armstrong


William Shakespeare visited a sophomore advanced English class at Ada High School on Wednesday.

Representing the English bard was former Ohio Northern University assistant professor of acting, John Robert Armstrong, who returned to Ada this week for a visit.

The 23 students in the class taught by Melody Veltri discovered that though the playwright died over 400 years ago, he left us with many phrases common in today’s vernacular.

Consider: Mum’s the word, something was dead as a doornail, too much of a good thing, seen better days, and, all Greek to me. Thank Mr. Shakespeare for these.

Ada Junior Civic League elects officers for 2019-20

Ada Junior Civic League members met at Dear Darling Boutique in Ada, with the owner Rayel Rose, to tour the shop and do some shopping.

She said that the name of the shop had its origin in the Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.”

She will close the storefront soon and will continue her business online. Meanwhile she is offering good sales in the boutique.

Members continued their meeting at the home of Anna Poling.  Cohostess was Colleen Marshall. Sherry Evans led the business meeting. Jamie Wills, Ways and Means pecan chair, reported that there are seven bags of pecan pieces and one bag of halves left to sell.

Hardin County Wranglers organize for 2019


The Hardin County Wranglers 4-H club held its second meeting on April 7th, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hardin County Extension Office.

There were thirteen members, six advisors and four parents present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jace Murphy and the 4-H Pledge was led by  Katie Sturgeon.

Reminders were given for informational packets and club registration. Club calendars were distributed.

Why does she always run off when the sun sets?

Find out when you attend "Shrek: The Musical" this weekend

It's dress rehearsal week, which means "Shrek:The Musical" is coming to the Ada school auditorium this weekend.

Performances are at 7 p.m., Friday, April 12, and Saturday, April 13, and at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 14, in the Ada school auditorium.

Pre-sale tickets are on sale in the high school office and during the evening and day of each performance. Tickets are $5 and are all general admission.

Leads in the music include: Coco McLaughlin as Fiona, Reece Evans as Shrek, Theodore Hadley as Donkey, and Ethan Hull as Lord Farquaad.

Scott Henning is the musical director. Jonathan Lischak directs the pit orchestra and Oshra Gadkar directing choreography. 
