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Meet Jaden Carter, Vancrest employee in the spotlight

Jaden Carter, a resident assistant in Assistant Living, is this month’s Vancrest spotlight employee.

She has been on the staff for nearly three years and has worked all the shifts. She is an Elida High School graduate and is currently working on her business in health care administration degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. Her goal is to become an assisted living director.

Jaden says she enjoys seeing Vancrest residents on a daily basis and hearing about their lives.

“Residents have become my family,” she said.

15 minutes with Jed Marquart

Little known fact: ONU prof was a Bluffton HS valedictorian

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - Bluffton Icon is currently interviewing previous Bluffton HS valedictorians. One of those featured is Dr. Jed Marquart, ONU professor of mechanical engineering. His interview follows. 

Marquart is a valedictorian of the class of 1976.

Cessna Minutemen 4-H meet May 6

The Cessna Minutemen 4-H club held a meeting on May 6. Six members attended.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Peyton Breidenbach and the 4-H pledge was led by Preston Rembis. The roll call question was “What is your favorite type of skittle?”

The discussion was about 4-H camp and how the sign-ups are set for June 2 at 3 p.m.

Madison Breidenbach and Peyton Breidenbach did a demonstration on how to make a homemade lava lamp.

Brooke Vansky did a demonstration on how to sketch an eyeball.

Preston Rembis did a demonstration on how to correctly fold a flag.

The recreation game was hang man by Peyton Breidenbach.

Kiwanis Club recognizes Shutt family and Kewpee

For its continued support of the club's pancake breakfast

Ada Kiwanis Club members took a lunch trip to Kewpee Restaurant, Lima, on May 7. The event was more than just an occasion to eat out.

The club thanked the Shutt family for its assistance in the Kiwanis pancake and sausage day events held each spring.

Joe Ferguson, Kiwanis president, thanked Kewpee’s Scott Shutt for his family’s generous to the pancake and sausage events.

He noted the success of previous year’s breakfasts and said that Kewpee sponsorships started in 2007, adding that profits from the project have increased significantly since 2007.

Three community groups receive donations from Junior Civic League

Boots for Bulldogs, Ada school cafeteria fund and public library summer reading program

Ada Junior Civic League members know the value of pecan sales.

Earlier this week, the league distributed $1,000 in proceeds from this year’s peacan sales to three Ada organizations.

Checks included:
• $600 to Ada schools Boots for Bulldogs program,
• $200 to the Ada school lunch program, and
• $200 to the Ada Public Library’s summer reading program.

Presenting the checks in behalf of the league were Sherry Evans, president, and Bev Romick, special projects chair.

Liberty Belles and Boys wanted to make Ada a safe community

So they held an ice cream social and donated $500 to the police department

Ada 4-H club, Liberty Belles and Boys, wanted to make Ada a safe community – so they did something about it.

Last summer the club held an ice cream social fundraiser. It generated $500 and the proceeds were recently donated to the Ada police department for surveillance equipment for the  department’s S.A.F.E.R. program.

Project S.A.F.E.R. (Seeking Aid From Every Resident) is Ada's own community policing initiative started in January of 2002. It is a winner of the 2003 Ohio Crime Prevention's Community Policing Strategy Award, aimed at nurturing the relationship with the community.
