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Ohio Northern University

Student receives research grant from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology

Ohio Northern University student Eric Eisenmann, a fifth-year pharmacy and recent 2015 ONU graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Broadview Heights, Ohio, was selected to receive a 2015-16 fall graduate research grant from Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology, for $1,500.

Society for Collegiate Journalists receives Outstanding New Chapter Award

The Ohio Northern University chapter of the Society for Collegiate Journalists (SJC) has received the Outstanding New Chapter Award from the National Office of SCJ. In order to be considered for this award, a chapter must be reactivated or chartered for two to six years and be recognized as a new and energetic member of the SCJ family.

“I am very moved that the Society chose us for this honor,” said Shane Tilton, chapter advisor and assistant professor of multimedia journalism.

A beary merry Christmas ornament

Does your Christmas tree  have a polar bear ornament? This one does. It's a tree at the ONU College of Pharmacy. Trevor Jones, ONU photographer, shared this photo with the Icon.

Ohio Northern University ‘Hot Jazz for a Cold Evening’ Dec. 10

he Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents a Jazz Ensemble concert, “Hot Jazz for a Cold Evening,” in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m.

The concert will feature arrangements from the legendary bands of Count Basie, Maynard Ferguson, Stan Kenton and Duke Ellington.

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Merit Award to ONU student

Nick Reza, a senior manufacturing technology major from Ada, Ohio, was awarded a Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Merit Award for the 2015-16 academic year.

Reza, who will receive $750, was selected by faculty members of the ONU Department of Technological Studies based on his participation in the ONU SME Chapter S186, scholastic accomplishments, financial need and application responses. Funds for the awards come from fundraising activities by the ONU SME chapter and the Lima chapter of SME.

Fast-paced Presser Hall concert provides international sounds

Photos by Michael J. Ayers
It was not just any Tuesday evening chamber ensemble concert in Presser Hall on the ONU campus. It featured international beats and movements performed by local musicans and dancers.

Adam Grim and Dr. Sarah Waters directed the performance.

Photos representing difference aspects of the performance  include:

• ONU students performing a fast-paced and physically challenging traditional African dance.

The group performed a Ghanian ritual dance of harvest arranged by Benjamin Obodo Ayettey who also directed the dance and drum ensemble.
