Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, December 14, 2016
FROM ONU COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FACEBOOK - For the second year, students in the Manufacturing Lab course have taken their individual welding projects and put them together to create a work of art. Last year, it was a dragon. Can you tell what it is this year?
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Anne Mulhern, a recent graduate of the Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law, has been selected for a prestigious Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship beginning this fall.
She has been assigned to work in Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as a member of the Fisheries Inspection Department. Also known as East Timor, Timor-Leste is a southeastern Asian nation that occupies half of the island of Timor, just north of Australia.
The Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship program provides opportunities for U.S. citizens to serve in professional placements in partner governments.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, December 14, 2016
As a sometimes impulse shopper, cranberries call me from their seasonal spot on the grocery shelf usually in mid-December. This year I answered the call.
But, because cranberries grow up in a bog you don’t just pop them into your mouth like candy or popcorn. They apparently need to be baked to eliminate the bog effect.
And unless you act decisively, the bag of berries ends up in the back of the ‘frig until Easter.
Not this year.
Visions of a cranberry-based pie danced in my head as I held the two-cup bag of Michigan bog boys.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, December 13, 2016
By Monty Siekerman
Village officials recently opened bids for the Ream Street sewer project and improvement of part of Eric Wolber Avenue in Grass Run Industrial Park.
Zee Contractor's bid of $347,000 was the lowest of three bids for the sewer project. Zee is from Ottawa.
Hohenbrink Excavating's bid of $260,000 was the lowest of 10 bids submitted for the Eric Wolber project. Hohenbrink is from Holland, Ohio.
Eighty percent of the cost of the sewer project and 88 percent of the cost of the street project will be paid for by state grants.
Council has not met to decide the winning bidders.