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Ada's latest news

Misti, retriever mix, is Icon's dog of the week

Misti, 1 year old female retriever mix, 52 pounds, very good dog just needs some manners

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Ada HS yearbook staff 1977-78

Here's the staff of the Ada High School yearbook from the 1977-78 school year. Names of staff members are under the photo.


Spotted on a Hancock County car driving south on Main Street in Ada. An appropriate plate to see just after the election when Americans were free to vote for many government officials from local to federal levels. This driver is a parachutist.

Christmas came early at ReStore

Santa, free gifts and free gift wrapping

By Monty Siekerman
It was Christmas at ReStore on Friday evening with free gifts, free wrapping, and Santa.
Many children were there to choose from a slew of gifts donated to ReStore. Many "elves" helped wrap the presents. Santa heard wishes from the kids.  Cookies and punch were available.

Many youngsters (and adults, too) left with smiles on their faces. Christmas will be happier this year thanks to the givers and staff at ReStore.

Here's the swimming pool timeline update

Bid accepted in February and awarded in March

Here are the plans for the swimming pool renovations to take place next fall:
* A splash pool will be installed just south of the current pool; splash pools are popular now and being added to pools in villages and large cities.
* The bathhouse will be renovated.
* A new concession stand will be built.
* A new filtration system will be built on the north side of the bathhouse.
* Concrete around the pool will be replaced.
The pool itself will be unchanged.

––Here's the timeline: the Village will accept bids in February and award bids in March. Work will begin after the pool closes for the 2017 season in September.

Eye of Christmas on Main

Jennifer Williams (left) and Brandy England prepare the window holiday display at Eyes on Main. Take a tour of the downtown windows this season, the first year of the Chamber of Commerce window decorating contest. Most retailers, restaurants, and professionals got into the act to liven up Main for the holidays. Oh, and Buy Local First. (Monty Siekerman photo)
