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Living in Ada

Mementos of the 2024 holiday season in Ada

PHOTOS of Depot Park by Sonatane Lui / MORE below

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Icon photographers have captured scenes of Ada bustling during the day with holiday preparations and activities, and after dark when the festive decorations glow in a rainbow of colors,

Village of Ada holiday office closures

From the Village of Ada

The Village of Ada offices, 115 W. Buckeye Ave., will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, 2024, and will reopen on Thursday, December 26, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

The village offices will also be closed Wednesday, January 1, 2025, and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 8:00 a.m.

For street/water/sewer emergencies on these days, please call the Hardin County Sheriff's office at 419-673-1268. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Food Pantry will be closed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve

The Ada Food Pantry will be closed Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24) and New Year’s Eve (Tuesday, December 31).

The Food Pantry's regular schedule:

Tuesday - 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Saturday - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ada Fire Hydrant Replacement Project begins December 10

Update shared by the Village of Ada 

Village of Ada Fire Hydrant replacement project starts on Dec 10, 2024. The Village of Ada has received a CDBG - Neighborhood Revitalization grant for the replacement of 16 fire hydrants throughout the Village.

Hohenbrink Excavating has received the contract at an estimated cost of $130,000.

There will be disruption of water service or fire protection during the process of replacing the 16 fire hydrants. The contractor will be working within the roadway so please be cautious when entering the work zone.

Village of Ada
115 West Buckeye Ave
Ada Ohio 45810
(419) 634-4045

Prizes invitation for 2025 Farmers and Merchants Picnic

2025 Farmers and Merchants Picnic organizers are looking for some businesses/ and/or volunteers to donate two grandprizes for its August 9 event.

Ada Food Pantry reports usage lower than 2023

From Ada Food Pantry on Facebook

The Ada Food Pantry posted the attached graphic and report on 2024 usage: "Many thanks to everyone in the community who supports the Food Pantry! Useage has been a bit lower than in 2023, although still higher than the previous six years.

"We also currently provide weekend food to more than 60 K-5 students with the Ada Bulldog Blessings Backpack Program. This wouldn't be possible without your donations!"
