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Village of Ada Street maintenance paving project update for Sept. 30

Inclement weather on Saturday has delayed the street maintenance paving project until today, Monday, September 30.

The paving contractor  is currently working on South Park and will move to north Johnson next. Afternoon work will include both downtown alleys and the top course of Pebble Court.

Again, this is all weather dependent.

Weather expected to impact Sept. 27 street paving

The Village of Ada has announced that the Street Maintenance Project schedule is weather dependent. For Friday, Sept. 27, pavers will continue working in Ada as able, starting on South Park Drive.

If work is delayed by rain, two paving crews will work on Saturday. One crew would work on Pebble court (finish coat), and then move to north Johnson. The other crew will work in the downtown alleys.

Completed to date: Oak Street, Lehr, Ballard.

Remaining paving: South Park, Downtown alleys, North Johnson.

 From the Village: "Thanks for your cooperation and understanding through the project construction."

Boil Water alert lifted; 2024 Ada paving project has begun, September 24

UPDATE Village of Ada Notice: Boil Alert Lifted: The 9/22/24 boil alert for the 600 & 700 block of North Main Street has been lifted effective 2:14 p.m. on 9/24/24.

The Village of Ada has announced that the 2024 Paving Project has started on September 24 and that the Bluffton Paving milling crew is currently working on Oak Street.

The Village notes, "The plan is to continue after Oak Street and head north to mill South Park, Lehr Avenue, Ballard, and then to North Johnson. This process will take two days." The roads are expected to be paved on Thursday and Friday.

Depot Park cannon gets a clean up

Ada's Civil War Monument at the Depot Park--a cannon on a stone base enscribed "Lest We Forget - In Memory of Our Soldiers, 1961-1865" has been cleaned of many years of rust and weathering.

Surface Solution Painting power-washed the granite base and will begin painting the seacoast cannon, forged in 1859 at the historic Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Va.

The decommissioned cannon was used during the Civil War in Fort Mifflin, Penn., and arrived in Ada in 1903.

For more details about the cannon and historical facts and video about the Civil War, visit the Community Bulletin Board at the Ada Depot Park.

Ohio issues school report cards for 2023-2024

Ada Exempted Village Schools scores 4.0

By Paula Pyzik Scott

On Friday, September 13, the State of Ohio issued report cards for school districts and schools for the 2023-2024 school year. The reports rate schools on six components: achievement, progress, gap closing, graduation, early literacy and college, career, workforce and military readiness. View the full report card HERE.

Valve maintenance will take place through October 25

The Village of Ada has notified residents that the Public Works Department will be performing routine maintenance on valves beginning this week of September 10.

This routine maintenance work has a  projected completion date of October 25.

The notice says the work is being done "to exercise main line valves throughout the distribution system to assure reliable operation and maintain water quality."

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