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Iconoclast View

Face in a Simon Street tree?

Ken Collins, Icon photographer, asks Icon viewers a question:

Is there really a face in this tree along Simon Street, or do I have an over-active imagination?

We think he's on to something.

Why the excitement?

Why the excitement?

Because Natalie is done with Summer Reading planning, and the Ada Public Library is ready for the fun to begin. (Photo from library Facebook)

Review: "How to Succeed"met with standing ovation

Theatre Review by Monty Siekerman

The conclusion of ONU's production of the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" met with a standing ovation Friday night and some whoops and hollers from students, all showing appreciation for another successful production at the Freed Center.

This musical is humorous and uplifting. Everyone left the Freed Center not so worried about personal problems or world events.

"How To"  continues the tradition of excellence in drama and musicals creatively-produced by the students and faculty in the departments of theatre arts and music.

Ever wonder how Ada's streets were named? Just ask Lee Crouse

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

Ever wonder how Ada’s streets were named? Lee Crouse provides some answers.

Main Street was originally called Margaret Street in honor of the wife of the founder S.M. Johnson.

Johnson Street was named for S.M. Johnson himself.

Ream Street was named for Abraham Ream who laid out an addition in the south-east part of town.

Simon Street got its name from the Simon family prominent families in the early history of Ada.

Edwards Street in the north-east part of town for Billy Edwards.

Liberty Street was so named by S.M. Johnson.

Snow in April? Please say it ain't so

3:30 pm Saturday, April 2, in Ada saw sleet and snow, covering the ground and early-blooming flowers and trees.

Cold temperatures won't bother spring bulb flowers much, but magnolias tree blooms will turn black and other flowering trees may loose their spring finery due to current and anticipated freezes the next few days. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada  on Trump’s short list for major announcement?

Could Ada be the location of a major announcement soon by Donald Trump, presidential hopeful?

Candidate Trump may have narrowed down to five small Ohio communities, each with a four-year liberal arts college, as possibly locations where he may announce his choice of a vice presidential running mate.

The Icon understands the five villages in the final cut include:
• Ada, home of Ohio Northern University
• Bluffton, home of Bluffton University
• Granville, in Licking County, home of Denison University
• Gambier, in Knox County, home of Kenyon College
• Hiram, in Portage County, home of Hiram College
