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Iconoclast View

Ada youth learn how robots help police

By Monty Siekerman
The bomb squad came to Ada War Memorial Park on Thursday afternoon during a free ReStore Community Center lunch for children. The 40 kids at the park enjoyed seeing how robots work and how they can help protect police and catch the bad guys.

Members of the Allen County Regional Bomb Squad had two observation platforms on hand. One was a helmet, the other a robot. Also, clothing to help ward off injury from a detonated bomb was shown to the youngsters.

Band show 7 p.m. Friday in auxliary gym

Ada High School Band and Color Guard members are deep into marching band camp at the school. The camp started July 18 and continues until Friday, July 29.

A special preview performance will be held at the conclusion of camp at 7 p.m. Friday, July 29, in the Auxiliary gym.

As well as performing at Friday night football games and marching in local parades, the Ada High School Marching Band will complete in OMEA sanctioned competitions in Revere, Norton, Carroll and at OSU in the “shoe”.

This year’'s competition show features music from Toy Story. The group will conclude the season by attending and competing in Indianapolis at Band of America.

What does the MP stand for?

Here's a question for Icon readers.

What does the MP stand for which is engraved on the cornerstone of the Alger First United Methodist Church?

You'll find various Methodist names on cornerstones over the years in different towns. In 1903 this church in Alger was know as Alger Methodist Protestant Church. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Some summer Ada news items in bits and pieces

Some random Ada pieces of information.

What’s happening in Ada?

The Icon picked up the follow one-sentence news items earlier this week. Each is a story on its own. We’ll simply provide headline details for sake of brevity and hope that we can provide additional information as these stories develop:

Oh, deer!

On Tuesday morning, The Icon, heading east on Lima Avenue near Ohio Northern University, spotted a deer family traveling from the south side of the avenue to the north side and toward the woods on campus.

In addition to the deer, a flock of Canada geese stood ready to fend off anyone who came too close.

After stopping to watch, the Icon took the following photos of the deer crossing the street.

We've enhanced some of the photos to viewers can see the deer outlines - because we were shooting into the sun.

Through a window dimly

Through a window dimly: Here are photos of construction on the main floor of Ohio Northern Univesity's Heterick Library, taken through dust-covered windows.

Ken Collins took the photos.
