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Iconoclast View

Meet Ada's new sophomore (aka Tree Commission members)

By Monty Siekerman

Four Ada village employees completed the sophomore class of the Tree Commission Academy held at ONU and sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Yes, they even took exams during the March 2-3 sessions.

The freshman class was held in Ada at ONU in December.

Pictured are (from left) Rob Mix, Cheryl Geer, Jim Neiswander, and Jamie Hall. People from several other communities attended, as well.

Ada snow birds

The term snow birds generally means someone who heads south in the winter.

Ken Collins found some real snow birds earlier this week in Ada. Here are two sparrows having snow for a snack.

Ada's message board - ever watch the entire list?

The Ada school marquee, new to this school year, has an ever-changing message. The Icon stopped to watch the entire list of messages on Feb. 24.

Here's what we found. (open the video)

Right at the punch line

Ken Collins snapped this photo right as the punch line was revealed. Don Traxler and Bruce Neely were among Ada residents attending the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce annual dinner meeting on Feb. 17.

For a summary of the evening and for more photos click here.

Feeling generous? Here's ReStore's wish list

Feeling generous? Want to help others?

ReStore could use some donations, including:
Regular and decaffeinated coffee
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Copy paper
Ballpoint pens
Large envelopes
Postage stamps
Scotch tape
Address labels

If you can afford to be really generous, ReStore could use:
New desktop computer
Two laptop computers
Color printer
Fax machine.

Donations may be dropped off whenever the community center is open. If closed, contributions may be left inside their back door at 210 N Main.

Nate's a Wild Steel-ion

Nate Hall, a member of The Wild Steel-ions, with parents Jamie and Valerie Hall and grandparents, Norm and Kay Rex.

Nate performed with a group at a steel drum concert in Presser Hall on Saturday evening. (Monty Siekerman photo)

