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A homecoming to remember

Of course, it rained, but that didn't dampen the evening festivities

Of course, it rained. Despite that Ada High School 2016 homecoming was memorable.

Mara Guyton was crowned queen and Jared Craig, King.

Sue Matson provided the Icon with the following photos from the pre-game ceremony. Identifications are below:

• Top photo: Mara Guyton is crowned by last year's queen, Rachel Wildman
Bottom photos:
• Freshmen: Reese Evans and Courtney McLaughlin
• Sophomores: Rob Allison with Emma Ferguson
• Juniors: Zac Beaschler with Alexis Swaney
   • Evan Smittle and Andrew Roby with Taylor Ramey
   • Eli Garmon with Mara Guyton
   • Jared Craig with Taryn Fullom
Crown carriers:
  • Janessa St. Laurent, Jackson Bowden, Emily Thaxton
