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Varsity Singers' 2016-17 show premier performance Friday evening

"Love is in the Air" and you can't help but fall in love with the 2016-2017 Ada Varsity Singers show.

You can watch a special free premier performance at 7 p.m., Friday, July 15, in the Ada High School auditorium.

The Varsity Singers are putting their "heart and soul" into working hard this week to learn this year's competition show.

Under the direction of their new vocal director, Scott Henning, instrumental director, Jonathan Lischak, and new choreographer Zach Triscari, the VS plans to compete at Piqua, Findlay, Medina, Marion Harding, Marysville, as well as host their annual Music Feast show choir competition this school year.



Trey Manning's car in Saturday show

Trey Manning of Alger entered his 2011 Ford in the County Line Church of the Brethren car show on Saturday.

Ada third overall in WOAL; Klava Katayama wins four events

Ada Alligators swim team finished third of eight teams in this past weekend’s Western Ohio Aquatic League meet held at Bluffton. In the girls’ standings, Ada finished fifth overall. In the boys’ standings Ada finished third overall.


While Ada had several place finishes, two swimmers won first place races. Max Baumgartner, 8 and under, won first in the 25 freestyle.

Klava Katayama won five events in the girls 13-14 age group. She won the 100 intermediate, 50 butterfly, 50 backstroke and 100 freestype.

Meet Ada's Big Bird

Meet Ada's Big Bird. Ken Collins took this photo of the great blue heron that goes fishing daily in the ONU pond. Thoreau was insired by Walden Pond. Ken said he finds photographic inspiration in the ONU pond, and a chance to relax on a summer afternoon. For more summer relaxing photos, click here.

Here's Bob Blank's REO and Larry Dudgeon's patrol car

By Monty Siekerman

What do you do with an old farm truck once you are finished farming with it?

Spruce it up and enter car shows, so says Bob Blank of Pandora. He entered this Diamond REO pickup in the County Line Church of the Brethren car show on Saturday. The pickup has a mere 375,000 miles on the odometer.

 A Florida State Trooper in the area? Larry Dudgeon of Bluffton entered his 1991 former patrol car in the car show.

The church's 10th annual car show drew 59 entries this year.

What you'll find at Ada's "Walden Pond"

Thoreau was insired by Walden Pond. Ken Collins said he finds photographic inspiration in the ONU pond, and a chance to relax on a summer afternoon.

These photos are proof.

