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Historical Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Remembering Ada silent movies

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Art and Alice Cotner, St. Rt. 309, Ada, have vivid memories of the Odeon Theatre on Ada’s North Main Street. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cotner worked at the Odeon in the mid-1920’s. Art was hired by theatre owner Ralph Rhoades to operate the projection room when he was a sophomore in high school. Cotner continued working at the theatre, after it was sold to Carl Moore, until his graduation from college in 1929.

Worst flooding in Ada was on March 25, 1913

Here’s the account of the storm that prevailed all day long

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
March 25, 1913 was the worst flooding ever at Ada.

Wind and flood mark the advent of Spring and make Easter a day of gloom. Last Friday was Good Friday in the religious calendar, marking the day of the crucifixion of Christ. On that day of this calendar year there swept up from the southwest a terrific wind that prevailed all day, varying from a gale to a hurricane; its common gait was about 60 miles an hour but in some parts of the state it speeded up to 85 miles.

31 school years ago in Ada

Members of the Ada Student Council (7th grade through 12th grade) in the 1987-88 school year.

Front from left: G. Podijil, J. Fox, B. Clum.

Second row: H. Strayer, A. Reese, B. Young.

Third row: Mr. Lusk, B. Madison, T. Hazelton, C. Dearth.

Fourth row: L. Brown, K. Faulkneer, C. Griffin, K. Moser.

Top row: P. Gordon, J. Campoli, S. Fisher, B. Rasmey and S. Bhattacharya.

Sousa comes to Ada - Oct. 24, 1892

This combination city hall and theater stood on East Buckeye Avenue, the site of the current municipal building, between 1881 and 1930s

This article is the first of several pieces on the village’s history and written by members of The Ada Historical Society.

Sousa Comes to Ada - October 24, 1892

By Paul Logsdon, retired Ohio Northern University Librarian and Archivist
In Fall of 1892, a happy set of events brought John Philip Sousa and his Great Marine Corps. Band to Ada.

The first of these was the completion of the Ada Opera House 11 years earlier. This combination city hall and theater stood on East Buckeye Avenue, the site of the current municipal building, between 1881 and  1930s.

Feb. 19, 1939 – warmest temperature for that date since 1883

March 1, 1939, The Ada Herald - the temperature dropped below zero for the first time in the winter of 1939. Four days earlier it had registered 65, the warmest Feb. 19 since 1883. Wild geese were seen flying north.

Feb. 28, 1959  - the Grovettes from Sugar Grove United Methodist Church performed at the American Legion Midwinter Conference of Units at Columbus, Ohio.

Oldest alums at alumni weekend in 1989

From a 1989 photo - The oldest man and woman attending ONU's alumni weekend were Dr. Calvin Jackson of Kenton and Mrs. Jesse Klingler of Ada.

Dr. Jackson received a B.A. in 1927. Mrs. Klingler received an arts certificate in 1914. The honorees received the Willis cane and pitcher. Gov. Willis was an ONU graduate, well-known for his oratory, who was entering the race for U.S. president when he died suddenly.

(Photo from Leland Crouse collection)
