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Weekend Doctor: Youth Mental Health

It is the season of transition from summer to fall, and for many students from freedom to structure. Many students have a mix of excitement and dread for the upcoming school year. Even with this mixture, students commonly benefit from the increased structure school offers--it is built in socialization, cognitive exercise, physical activity, and provides opportunity for a routine sleep schedule. All students are encouraged to maintain these activities and structures outside of school year but oftentimes it dissipates slowly.

Better Than Chicken Wire!

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Chicken wire is a thin, flexible mesh of galvanized steel with hexagonal gaps meant to contain chickens and fowl. The wire comes in gap diameters of ½, 1, and 2 inches with gauges between 19 and 22. Chicken wire was used during World War II for radar fields and over helmets to insert leaves to make camouflage. Chicken wire can block radio and Wi-Fi signals by creating a Faraday cage. The Faraday cage was invented in 1936 by Michael Faraday to protect sensitive electronic equipment within an enclosure from external radio waves. So why am I writing about chicken wire?  

The Animals are Talking to Us!

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
ONU HealthWise Pharmacy

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
ONU HealthWise Pharmacy

Big Things Can Come in Small Packages

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

What We Can Learn From the Red Coats

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

April 18, 1775 was famous for the ride of Paul Revere and his fellow colonists who warned that the Red Coats were coming. The Red Coats were British Army soldiers who fought in the American Revolutionary War. The Red Coats were not well trained compared to other soldiers in the British army. The soldiers were in an unfamiliar environment with a vast countryside of harsh situations with few loyalists to help them. Why talk about the Red Coats and what do we have to learn from the British? How does this apply to COVID-19 pandemic?
