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Dry skin in winter? Here's what to do

Winter weather can cause dry skin, but you can take steps to prevent it

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

As you start to be able to see your breath in the outside air, you may also start to see some dryness and cracking on your skin. Here's what you can do about wintertime skin dryness.

Skin dryness is a common ailment in the colder months, causing uncomfortable redness and itching. But what causes this issue and how can you prevent it?

Read on for more information about "the winter itch."

What causes dry skin in the winter?

New Year's resolutions you can keep

Four ways to make your New Year's resolutions stick

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

It's that time of year again — time to make resolutions with all those good intentions behind them. But how can you make sure they stick this year?

New Year's resolutions can be tricky. Around 80 percent of people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions, clinical psychologist Joseph Luciani told the New York Post.

And most people don't keep their resolutions for very long, either. Research has shown that Jan. 12 is the day New Year's resolutions tend to falter. 

Why Does Winter Worsen Arthritis Symptoms?

Rheumatoid arthritis pain can feel worse during the winter months

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

If you feel your arthritis symptoms getting worse when winter comes, you are not alone. But what causes this issue?

Colder weather may worsen arthritis pain for a variety of reasons. We discuss those reasons and what you can do about them below.

Why does cold weather cause more pain or stiffness?

Although there has been some research on this question, none of the studies have provided a conclusive answer. Still, many individuals report feeling worse arthritis symptoms during the winter, and a few theories have been suggested:

Lead Poisoning: What You Need to Know

Lead exposure can put your health at risk, but there are ways to avoid it

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

Around 3.6 million families in the United States are at risk of exposure to lead, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here's what you need to know.

Exposure to lead can cause serious health problems — especially in children. Read on for more information about lead exposure and how to prevent lead poisoning.

What Is Lead Poisoning?

Lead poisoning occurs when you have too much lead in your body at one time. Lead can build up in the body from exposure for years.

Understanding Cold-Induced Asthma

Winter weather can trigger asthma symptoms

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

When the weather gets cold, a lot of people who have asthma notice that their symptoms get worse. Why does this happen, and how can you avoid it?

Here's what you need to know about cold-induced asthma.

What Is Cold-Induced Asthma?

Cold-induced asthma occurs as winter approaches and temperatures drop. People who have asthma may notice that they have more trouble breathing when outside, and exercising outdoors can become far more difficult.

Worsened symptoms can bring about an asthma attack, so it is important to understand what causes this condition.

You Have the Flu — Now What?

Flu treatment options explained

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

Flu season is here, and that means you or a loved one might have been diagnosed with the flu.

Can the Flu Be Treated?

Yes—the flu can be treated with antiviral medications.

Antivirals are medications that fight the flu in your body. These medications are not sold over the counter. They require a prescription from your doctor.

Antivirals are different from antibiotics because antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections — not viral infections.
