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Ada's latest news

Summary of August 16 Council Meeting

All members of the Ada Village Council, the mayor, and village administrators were present for the August 16 regular meeting on the second floor of the Ada Municipal Building.

Mayor Dave Retterer conducted the meeting, which included the approval of the minutes of August 9 and the payment of bills. (Minutes and agenda are on the village website HERE.)

Wardrobe changing weather

Observations by Guy Verhoff

The weather observed in Pandora by Guy Verhoff during the period of August 1-15 was a change of pace.

With temperatures ranging from 51 to 91, short pants and short sleeves were sure to result in a few goosebumps.

[The attached chart shows minimum and maximum temperatures, midnight "set" temperature, rainfall and cooling degree days.]

Kauffman and Buckell win virtual reality competition

Developers claim $20,000 prize for designing social VR experience 

Bluffton residents Ross Kauffman and Tobias S. Buckell were awarded first prize in the Meta (formerly Facebook) Horizon Worlds Builder Tracks competition. The duo claimed the $20,0000 prize for constructing the "Studio 51" experience in Meta's Horizon World platform, a social virtual reality (VR) program that allows players to interact in user-created worlds. 

AHS golfers play Pirates, Mustangs in NWC match

By Cort Reynolds

Playing at Bluffton Golf Club, the Ada High School golf team participated in a Northwest Conference golf match against host school Bluffton and Allen East on Monday, August 15.

The Pirates finished first with 178 strokes, followed by Allen East (197) and Ada (236).

Mustang Levi Clum won match medalist honors with a nine-hole round of 37. Jaden Coonfare paced Bluffton with a score of 41.

Senior Geddes Klingler led Ada with a round of 50. Junior Jack Baumgartner was a close second for the Bulldogs, posting a 51.

Senior Dale Hoyt shot a 60, while freshman Jayden Shaffer was the fourth Ada scorer with a score of 75. 

F&M early birds

Not counting organizers and volunteers setting up for the day, participants in the Ohio Western Horse Association Show were the true opening act--8:00 a.m.--of the 2022 Farmers & Merchants Picnic. 

September 3 "Love Ya!" walk for Patrick Archer

At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 3, 2022, a "Love Ya! Walk for Patrick" will be held at the War Memorial Park track to honor Ada resident Patrick Archer. Archer was killed November 3, 2021 in a workplace incident at the Lima Ford Engine Plant.

Walk organizers note, "Patrick's traumatic death devastated his family, friends, co-workers and shocked the community." The walk is to support the nonprofit organization United Support & Memorial for Workplace Fatalities (USMWF). The public is invited to join the walk, meal and to share stories.

Participants are encouraged to walk 15 laps--approximately 15 individuals are killed in U.S. workplaces each day.
