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Book Review: Horse

Review by Robert McCool

Horse, A Novel (ISBN; 978-03999-56296-9) by Australian author Geraldine Brooks tells a tale of one of the greatest racehorses ever, focused through the dark camera obscura of slavery, when people could be owned like horses. This book is about that ownership.

The book tells the true history of a horse and its young Black groom named Jarret in 1850, before the Civil War. Jarret is there when the foal Darley is born. Darley's name soon becomes Lexington, and Jarret loves and stays with the horse through the animal's whole life.

ACE Day in Ada and nearby communities

August 20 is ACE Day--Ada Community Engagement Day--when incoming ONU students provide community service in the village and beyond. This photo shows work done at The Quarry Farm nature preserve in rural Pandora.

Bulldogs gridders battle but blanked by Tigers in opener

By Cort Reynolds

Host Ada High School football team played Waynesfield-Goshen tough but lost 28-0 in the season opener at War Memorial Park Stadium on a warm Friday night.

The Tigers took the lead on the first play of the season, a long kickoff Grant Breitigam return for a touchdown, and never trailed. 

"He got a couple good blocks, hit a crease and made a nice run," said W-G head coach Shane Wireman. "That got us the momentum and settled us down early. That was the key play to the whole game, I think."

Ada won the toss but deferred the opening kickoff.

Weekend Doctor: First major COVID guidelines update

By Rafid Fadul, MD
Pulmonology & Critical Care Medicine

Last week the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidelines for COVID-19 recommendations. This is the first major update since the early days of the pandemic, and it signals an evolution in both the disease and our responses to it.

Bulldog spikers look much improved in 2022

Team photo front L-R) Tessa Griffith, Mariah King, Josie Phillips, Emilee Huffer, Courtney Sumner, Jenna Bassitt, Alyssa Madison. Back: head coach Kyleigh Woodruff, Autumn Andreasen, Anna Conley,  Daicy Robinson, Lily Baumgartner, Ashlyn Madison, assistant coach  Kylie Acheson.

By Cort Reynolds

The Ada High School varsity volleyball team enters its fifth season under head coach Kyleigh Woodruff looking for big improvement as they continue to rebuild this fall.

Last fall, an inexperienced Lady Bulldog squad finished 2-19 overall (0-8 NWC) to finish last in the league. 

Badertscher wins Ohio achievement award 

HARDIN COUNTY–Mark Badertscher was selected as one of two Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension  Educators to be recognized for the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Achievement  Award. The NACAA Achievement Award recognizes Extension Educators with less than ten years in the profession.  The award was presented at the 2022 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference held in  West Palm Beach, Florida July 18-21. 
