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Lugibihl Spray Service wants to help you get a jump on spring lawn care

Offers grass seed, soil testing and other services

Lugibihl Spray Service, 6705 Tom Fett Road, Bluffton, has lawn and garden supplies and lots of other supplies for persons interesting in getting a jump on their spring lawn care.

Lugibihl offers:
• Grass seed and soil tests
• Round-up Quik Pro
• Lawn fertilizer with crabgrass control
• Blended fertilizer for lawns
• Garden fertilizer
• Lime and gypsum
• Spray for lawn weeds

An attachment at the bottom of this story offers additional information.
Lugibihl Spray Service
6705 Tom Fett Road

What makes up a good exercise routine?

Exercise should be challenging but it should also be personalized or it won’t have any chance at being enjoyable

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L

Wait…what???   Walk a mile?   Do 10 sit-ups?    Are you kidding? I can’t even do one sit-up or even walk to my car without being out of breath or something hurting!

Is this your reaction when someone says you should exercise? Most people have a ‘cookie cutter’ approach to physical activity. As if exercise is a “one size fits all” type of thing. “I have to be able to walk a mile to get in any cardio. I have to be able to do a sit-up or a push-up to be able to work on any strengthening or touch my toes to really be able to stretch.”

Remodeled and merchandise rearrangement

Main Street's Ada Flea Market

By Monty Siekerman
The inside of the Ada Flea Market, 111 N. Main, has a new look after a remodeling and rearrangement of merchandise since the first of the year.

Owner Dan McCrory invites shoppers to stop by during business hours 9-5 Thursday and Friday and 9-4 on Saturday to see the changes, including new lighting and taking out a small room to open up the space.

The Ada Flea Market is a fun place to shop because merchandise is always changing. You never know what might catch your eye, and the store is full of bargains.

Who needs life insurance?

Ask yourself, financially, could my family afford me not being around?

By Orrie Augsburger
Adviser Assistant at
Faith Investment Services
Bluffton, 419-358-4207

Purchasing Life Insurance is not the most exciting product to buy. Some people argue that it is not a worthwhile investment. Plus, it is not easy or ‘comfortable’ discussing the “what if” scenarios that coincide with the need for life insurance.

Nonetheless, life insurance is crucial for many people; the amount needed varies and depends on your unique situation. Continually putting off the decision or not buying any life insurance could put your loved ones in an economic strain for years.

ReStore shortens hours

Beginning on Thursday, ReStore Community Center will shortened the hours it will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The new schedule is:
Monday, 11-4
Tuesday, 1-6
Wednesday and Thursday, 11-4
Friday, 11-2
Closed Saturday and Sunday

ReStore will sponsor a bereavement dinner and program at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 8. Those who are grieving the loss of a family member or close friend are welcome to attend.

Rob Kanzig ReStore manager, said that those wanting to help sort donations are asked to call him at 419-558-1015.

Assess your own heart rate

The number of times your heart beats per minute

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L

Note: Please open attachments at the bottom of this column to view resting heart rates for men and women.

If February had you thinking about Valentine’s Day, why not take a moment to assess your own heart (health)?

Heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Normal (resting) heart rates vary from person to person, depending on a number of factors or conditions.
