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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: The virus or the shot?

By William Kose, MD, JD, Blanchard Valley Health System

When it comes to COVID-19 immunity, one of the issues people consider is whether to get a vaccine or acquire natural immunity through having an active COVID-19 infection. That means getting the virus rather than the vaccine shot.

Weekend Doctor: Breastfeeding during the holidays

By Wendy Broadhead, BA, IBCLC, CBS Blanchard Valley Health System Lactation Team

This time of year can pose quite a challenge for nursing mothers. While the joy of the holidays is among us, with it all comes the business and stress of family gatherings, decorating, cooking, shopping, wrapping and other holiday activities. This is also the season where we often see more upper respiratory infections. 

Studies show that breast milk helps to protect infants and toddlers from infections that are common during this season. However, breastfeeding and pumping can be unusually challenging for parents during this time, as we engage ourselves in all the extra activities the holidays seemingly demand from our already busy lives. 

December 15 BVHS livestream; invitation to submit questions

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host a special Facebook Live at noon on Wednesday, December 15. The topic will be “The Impact of the Rising COVID-19 Cases Within Our Community.” 

Serving as hosts of the event will be BVHS President & CEO Myron Lewis, William Kose, MD, vice president of special projects and Renee Smith, MD, chief medical officer. 

The event will be streamed on the health system’s Facebook page, Community members can “like” the corporate Facebook account of BVHS and visit the page to watch live.

Weekend Doctor: Chronic Wasting Disease in deer

By Christian Steiner, MD, Psychiatric Center of Northwest Ohio

There’s a pandemic. This one is specific to deer and, subsequently, should be of interest to deer hunters. It is called chronic wasting disease. Chronic wasting disease is similar to Mad Cow disease, as it is caused by a prion. What is a prion, you ask? While a little hard to describe, prions are essentially a misfolded protein that can cause other proteins (predominantly in the brain and nervous system) to also misfold and then create microscopic holes in the brain tissue.

Weekend Doctor: Holiday eating

By Sophia Volpe, RD Blanchard Valley Hospital Dietetics

The holidays are quickly approaching, which can be such a joyful time of the year for celebrations with family and friends. However, they can also wreak havoc on our nutrition goals. The following are some helpful tips on how to be mindful during the holidays.

Don’t skip meals. A common thought around the holidays is, “if I skip lunch, I will be able to save those calories and eat them all at dinner.” However, skipping meals often leads to overeating at the next meal. It is important to eat three balanced meals during the holidays to help avoid overeating at gatherings.

Weekend Doctor: Mental Health in the Medical Community During COVID-19

The Covid pandemic has brought about new challenges to the medical community and society as a whole. There have been times where we were forced to give up rights and do things we are not comfortable doing. We as Americans do not give up our rights freely and will definitely put up a fight whenever we feel our rights are being infringed. We have fights over why we would or should wear a mask. Fights over vaccines and if they should be mandated. Fights over schools and how the school year should be laid out, if the kids should wear masks, should we have full sessions, etc.
