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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: First major COVID guidelines update

By Rafid Fadul, MD
Pulmonology & Critical Care Medicine

Last week the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidelines for COVID-19 recommendations. This is the first major update since the early days of the pandemic, and it signals an evolution in both the disease and our responses to it.

Weekend Doctor: Lawn mower safety tips

By Ibrahim Khansa, MD
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

*Through a collaboration between Blanchard Valley Health System and Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the content of this article was provided courtesy of Nationwide’s 700 Children’s® blog by pediatric experts.

In the spring and summer, you often hear the familiar humming sound of lawn mowers. These common machines that are used multiple times each week by teenagers and adults present a danger to children. Every year, more than 9,000 children are injured by lawn mowers in the United States.

Weekend Doctor: About platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments

By Michael Stump, MD
Blanchard Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Many people suffer from chronic musculoskeletal conditions, such as tendinitis and osteoarthritis. While conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications and rehabilitation can be effective in treating these conditions, sometimes they do not work. The next step in treatment of these conditions is often corticosteroid injections. These will often relieve symptoms quickly, but often do not have lasting results beyond six to eight weeks. In the past, if these conservative treatments were not effective, the next option was typically surgery.  However, today, there is a new treatment available that research has shown to be effective in treating chronic musculoskeletal conditions: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that may be able to avoid or delay surgery and many of these conditions.

Weekend Doctor: Public pool safety reminders

NOTE: The Ada Municipal Pool will be open through August 13, which is also the date of the Farmers & Merchants Picnic.

By Sarah A. Denny, MD
Emergency Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Everyone loves to take a dip in the pool, especially during the dog days of summer While swimming is a great way to play, exercise and cool off, there are certain things to keep in mind. More than 1,000 children die each year from drowning, and many others suffer life-changing injuries. Help protect your family by using the following safety tips when swimming in public pools.

Weekend Doctor: Know signs of stroke to allow prompt recovery

By Islam Gomaa, MD
Emergency Medicine, Blanchard Valley Hospital

You may have heard the phrase “time is muscle,” which refers to being evaluated quickly for a heart attack in order to use a catheter to open a blocked blood vessel and prevent heart damage. Likewise, the same principle applies in the case of a stroke.

Strokes are caused by a blockage of an artery carrying oxygen to the brain. Prompt evaluation in many cases leads to the use of a thrombolytic or clot buster to open the blockage. The restoration of blood flow can allow prompt recovery of function of the brain and prevent permanent damage, paralysis or function.

Weekend Doctor: Diabetic foot infections

By Lance Johnson, DPM
Blanchard Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is an epidemic that results in numerous complications, hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. Diabetes occurs when your body is not able to process and use glucose (sugar) from food. This results in too much glucose accumulating in your blood stream. This can have negative effects on many different organs and parts off your body. 
