By Jen Vorhees, MSN, MBA-HC, RN, CPHQ / Corporate Associate and Patient Safety Manager
Posted by Staff on Saturday, January 29, 2022
Falls during winter weather can lead to many types of injuries such as fractures of the wrists, legs, ankles and hip, as well as cause potential head, neck or brain injuries. It is nearly impossible to completely avoid ice and snow this time of year, but there are some steps that you can take to help reduce your risk of falling.
First of all, be aware of your surroundings. Avoid distractions such as your cell phone and take time to pay attention to the surfaces on which you are walking or getting ready to walk on. Try to pick areas that are well lit when you are parking and walking, so that you can see any ice that is in your path, especially so that you can see black ice. Choose walkways that are well-cleared, even if that is not the most direct and convenient route.
Tired of having a sore back, tight shoulders, tension headaches and fatigue by the end of the work day? Habits formed in our daily activities like staring at the computer, cradling the phone, slouching in a chair and carrying the groceries can develop bad habits and painful body conditions.
These conditions can be helped or prevented by incorporating ergonomic techniques into daily routines and work sites.
Ergonomics is helping to fit a job to the person. That job can be a task at work or at home. Here are some suggestions to help improve posture and ergonomics for your daily tasks.
Dementia is a general term used to describe various symptoms of cognitive decline including impairment in memory, communication and thinking, which is caused by damage to cells in the brain. The symptoms do not appear suddenly but build over time and become more noticeable. Damage can occur for many reasons including increased proteins inside and outside of brain cells, lack of oxygen to the brain, stroke, genetics, medication side effects, depression, alcohol use, and thyroid and vitamin deficiencies.
Posted by Paula Scott on Saturday, January 1, 2022
For people of all ages, the everyday stress of life often leads to the sacrifice of one of the most important aspects of human health: sleep. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, but on average, many adults receive seven hours or less. The number is even worse for college students, with six hours being the average amount of sleep that students are getting on a good night.
By Lance Johnson, DPM Blanchard Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Posted by Paula Scott on Saturday, December 25, 2021
Flat foot (pes planus) is one of three basic foot types. There are also high arched feet (pes cavus) and a normal arch (rectus foot type). Flat foot is when the arches on the inside of your feet are flattened which causes the sole of the foot to touch the floor when standing upright. Some people are born with flat feet. Flat feet can also occur after an injury, or after years of wear and tear to the soft tissues of the arch and ankle. Some people never experience any pain or symptoms associated with flat feet, while others experience pain with every step they take.
By William Kose, MD, JD, Blanchard Valley Health System
Posted by Paula Scott on Saturday, December 18, 2021
When it comes to COVID-19 immunity, one of the issues people consider is whether to get a vaccine or acquire natural immunity through having an active COVID-19 infection. That means getting the virus rather than the vaccine shot.