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Blanchard Valley Health System


Although midwives have been around for hundreds of years, the term midwife is one that not many are able to clearly define. There is often confusion surrounding the many types of midwives and the span of roles a midwife might play. Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) are highly trained providers who first were educated and trained as registered nurses, then chose to attend accredited universities, followed by passing a midwifery board-certified examination. CNMs also must maintain their licensures every five years by completing a number of continuing education requirements. In Ohio, CNMs work in collaboration with physicians and deliver babies in hospitals and birth centers.

Working with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease

Anyone that has suffered with any autoimmune gastrointestinal disease knows what it is like to work day in and day out with this horrible condition. We suffer in silence a lot because the subject is not pleasant to talk about with co-workers.

I have been dealing with this disease for 32 years and have some good days and some bad days. You can feel great one minute and then go the other way quite quickly. The only comparison is to the stomach flu when trying to describe it to anyone. The bad thing about this disease is that it not only affects the bowel. It can affect your eyesight, skin, joints and muscles. The side effects from all the medicine can also affect these symptoms.

Blanchard Valley Health System to host virtual presentation

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host “Managing Menopause: Understanding the Different Stages of Menopause” virtual presentation, a part of the 2021 virtual “Live and Learn” Facebook Live series.

Dr. William Kose, the vice president of special projects, will host this event. Guests include Molly Senokozlieff, MD, a physician with the Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Jodi Bollenbacher, PA-C, a physician assistant with Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology. The presentation will discuss the different stages of menopause and available treatments to relieve symptoms of menopause.

Red, White and Ah-choo? Not this Year

Steer clear of asthma and allergy triggers this summer.

With the summer around the corner, loads of people get out and enjoy the outdoor fun. You and your family have big summer plans: fireworks, picnics and swimming. Now you just need to make sure that no one ends up red (itchy rashes), white (a box full of tissues), or blue (coughing or an asthma attack) for the wrong reasons. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared, so allergies and asthma don’t overshadow the festivities.

Migraine Headaches

Headaches are a phenomenon with which most everyone is familiar, and their causes and severity span the spectrum. June is national headache month, and according to the World Health Organization, almost half of adults worldwide have suffered from a headache at least once in the past year. 


Headaches are characterized by consistent, recurring pain in the head and can range from a dull ache to a migraine. 


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

PRP is the abbreviation for platelet rich plasma. PRP is obtained from one’s own blood and injected into other areas of the body to trigger a “healing” process. Platelets are cells in our blood that are part of the clotting and healing process of our body. During the healing process, platelets organize and create mild inflammation. During inflammation, platelets release enzymes that attract stem cells and growth factors. This is done to help repair damaged tissue.
