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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: Annual wellness visits

By Jennifer Stull, MD
EasternWoods Family Practice 

Annual wellness visits (AWV) are an important part of an adult's healthy lifestyle. The purpose of an AWV is to develop and maintain a personalized prevention plan to help prevent disease and disability based on your current health and risk factors. Even if you do not have chronic illnesses, it is recommended to have an AWV to be proactive about your health. These visits differ from traditional office visits in which you may be seen for new or acute concerns. 

What is an Advanced Practice Provider?

By Paige Frey, APRN-CNP
Putnam County Primary Care, LLC

Weekend Doctor: Interruptions by technology

By Caitlin Tully
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Nationwide Children’s Hospital*

Balancing the demands of caregiving with other life responsibilities is challenging for many parents. Many things need our attention, and we can be easily distracted by a phone alert or lose track of time scrolling through social media. Many parents’ lives have become even more digitally connected during the pandemic. This can have an impact on the health of families.   

Blanchard Valley Health System to host Sept. 15 “Live & Learn” on Facebook

Topic: Compassionate Specialty Care

An online presentation in the Blanchard Valley Health System “Live & Learn” educational series will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022, when a discussion will be held on compassionate specialty care.

Weekend Doctor: Spending time outdoors

By Mike Patrick, MD
Medical Director for Interactive Media
Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Spending time outdoors can positively affect mental and physical health. From improving mood to increasing activity levels, nature can nurture us.

Screen time dominates our lives. We spend more time in front of computers or other electronic devices and less time connecting with family, friends, pets and nature. Many Americans log as many as 10 hours of screen time per day. Setting down the devices and going outdoors has been linked to benefits including increased attention and reduced stress levels.

Weekend Doctor: Prenatal ultrasounds

By Lauren Nussbaum, RDMS
Women’s Health Sonographer
Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology 

Ultrasound is an imaging modality that uses sound waves transmitted into the body to create a picture of internal structures. Ultrasound can be used to image a baby developing inside the womb and has become a routine part of prenatal care. Most patients will get at least two or three diagnostic ultrasounds throughout their pregnancy.
