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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: Don't say "resolutions"

By Maria Slack, MD
Allergy & Immunology Specialists of Northwest Ohio

New Year’s resolutions can feel overwhelming, and guilt-inducing if you can’t keep them. This year, why not assign yourself a few tasks to keep your allergy and asthma symptoms under control in 2023?

The best way to tackle health challenges is in small bits, and that goes for allergy and asthma control too. The last few years have been hard on everyone, but you still want to figure out ways to improve your health routine. Making small, manageable adjustments are a great start to getting on a healthier path toward improvements in controlling allergies and asthma.

Weekend Doctor: Ostomy care

By Pamela Kathrens, RN, BSN
Wound and Ostomy Nurse Blanchard Valley Hospital

An ostomy is a surgically created opening in the abdomen for the discharge of body waste. The United Ostomy Association of America (UOAA) notes the term “stoma” is used interchangeably, which refers to the actual end of the ureter, small or large bowel that can be seen protruding through the abdominal wall. An ostomy could include a colostomy (connecting the colon to the outside of the body), ileostomy (connecting the small intestine) or a urostomy (a general term for a surgical procedure that diverts urine away from a diseased or defective bladder).

Weekend Doctor: Care for chronic illness

By Lindsey Buddelmeyer 
Leadership Education & Training Specialist, Human Resources – Blanchard Valley Health System

It was the last meaningful conversation that I would have with my grandfather. It involved a deeper level discussion about what it means to be a caregiver for a loved one facing Alzheimer’s disease. He looked at me with his pale blue eyes and said, “Now take our story and do something great. If anyone can take our pain and do something to help others, it is you.” As a granddaughter, educator and an occupational therapist, I have taken these words to heart. I think of my grandparents daily in the work that I do and the privilege I have had in serving others as a healthcare provider and educator. A critical and important part of health care I learned about during our journey with Alzheimer’s disease involved two different models of care: palliative and hospice care. While many believe palliative care and hospice to be the same, they are actually quite different.

Weekend Doctor: Sexual assault response teams and forensic nurses

By Michelle Stratton, BSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Forensic Nursing Program Coordinator, Emergency Department, Blanchard Valley Health System

Violence is a healthcare issue that destroys the quality of life in communities and all around the world. The consequence of sexual violence creates many complex health issues that require a team of dedicated professionals.

In most communities around the country, there are special teams that provide this supportive care to victims of sexual assault. 

Weekend Doctor: Urinary incontinence in women

By Joshua Ebel, MD
Blanchard Valley Urology Associates

Many women suffer from urinary incontinence, also known as urinary leakage. For some, this can be a slight dribble with activity that is a daily inconvenience. For others, it can be a major source of embarrassment that interferes with daily life. Just because incontinence is common, it doesn’t mean you have to live with it. There are a variety of solutions out there depending on your goals and the type of incontinence you have.

Weekend Doctor: Tumor registrars

By Jamie Thompson, CTR
Tumor Registry Program Administrator, Armes Family Cancer Care Center
