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Public Meetings

Ada School Board 2023-2024 planning session, part 2

By Paula Scott

On March 30 the Ada School Board held a 2+ hour planning meeting to discuss buildings and grounds, extracurriculars, finance, academics and safety measures. Administrators and the fiscal officer provided information on numerous programs and the expected costs of improvements and other changes. 

The second half of the meeting is covered in this article.

The schools will improve playground security with privacy fencing on the north side by State Route 81.

Ada School Board 2023-2024 planning session, part 1

By Paula Scott

On March 30 the Ada School Board held a 2+ hour planning meeting to discuss buildings and grounds, extracurriculars, finance, academics and safety measures. Administrators and the fiscal officer provided information on numerous programs and the expected costs of improvements and other changes. 

The first half of the meeting is covered in this article.

The meeting began with Superintendent Rob VanBuskirk listing work that could be accomplished this summer:

Feedback, costs and options on the table during Neighborhood Revitalization meeting

By Paula Scott

On Saturday, April 15 members of the Ada community participated in one of several meetings developing an application for $750,000 in Neighborhood Revitalization grant funds to advance the health, safety and general welfare of residents.

A public meeting was held at The Depot to discuss preliminary cost estimates for street, fire protection, sidewalk and drainage improvements. Fire hydrant conditions and sidewalk concerns dominated the discussion.

The meeting ended with “homework” for village residents, who can help develop the “why Ada?” portion of the application, submit community project commitment forms for the 2-year grant period of September 1, 2023-August 31, 2025, and provide locations of sidewalks needing repair.

Summary of April 4 Ada Council meeting

Student crossing signs on Main St. - Firefighters’ convention request - Preparations for municipal pool season -  Police manual updates process - Coffee with a Cop on April 19

By Paula Scott

On April 4 the Ada Council held a regular meeting with all councilors and village officials present.

Among items of legislation that were passed was permission for Wilson Football Factory to rezone land from residential to industrial. This item was passed by emergency on its third reading, allowing the company to begin construction this month. All legislation passed unanimously and is listed on in the photo below. The complete packet is HERE.

Council agenda for April 4 meeting

The Village of Ada council will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4 in council chambers on the second floor of the Ada Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye.

The full agenda is available on the Village website HERE.

Two resolutions and seven ordinances will be reviewed for council approval. 

Committee reports previewed are:

• Recommendation for hiring cashiers and lifeguards for the 2023 pool season.

• Recommendation for hiring assistant pool manager.

• Approval to waive storm sewer tap fees for 1 year after the completion of Grandview Boulevard Reconstruction Project.

• Request of the Village to reduce or waive the storm sewer tap fee for Wilson Sporting Goods new manufacturing plant.

Administration reports previewed include:

• Ohio’s new driving while texting law.

Summary of March 2023 school board meeting

At the Thursday, March 30 meeting of the Ada Board of Education, board members approved a motion to hire Dennis L. Recker as interim superintendent for a period of 11 months, from August 2023 to June 2024. The board also approved an earlier retirement date for Superintendent Robin Vanbuskirk of June 31, 2023. Therefore an appointment will be needed to cover the month of July 2023.
