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Ada's latest news

Natilyn and Ethan reign as princess and prince of F&M Picnic

Ada first grader, Natilyn McClain, reigned as princess of the 100th annual Ada Farmers' and Merchants' Picnic. The prince was Ada sixth grader Ethan Hull. Madilyn raised $2,466 and Ethan $2,076 as they topped all other contestants in money raised in the contest. 

Natilyn's sponsors were Three Brothers Pizza and 302 Carryout. Ethan's sponsors were Ohio Cart Parts and Amburgey's Construction.

Other contestants were, for prince: Trison Dalton, 3rd grader; for princess: Haley Clay, 3rd grader, Allison Dotson, 7th grader, Kia Hefner, 2nd grader, Madison McCoy, 3rd grader at Hardin Northern, and Madison Melton, 2nd grader.

Police docket for August 5-11

August 5

  • Handled Open Door Found on S Main St

  • Handled Suspicious Person Complaint on Orders

  • Handled Open Door Found on N Main St

  • Assist Other Agency
Traffic stop Warning for Speed
Assist EMS on Turner
Handled Suspicious Activity around the area of Main St & Liberty

August 6

Apollo Career Center will issue $30 million in bonds

The Apollo Career Center announced today an upcoming $30 million bond offering. Those interested in learning more about the bond offering are encouraged to attend an informational meeting to be held Wednesday, Aug. 28,  at 6 p.m. at the Apollo Career Center, 3325 Shawnee Rd, Lima. 

Come and learn how to take part in a local investment opportunity and the financial opportunities open to you while supporting Apollo Career Center’s expansion and renovation project.

Buckeye Machine team wins Hardin Alliance Golf Scramble

The Alliance Golf Scramble was held Aug 9  at Veterans Memorial Park Golf Course in Kenton. This year, 27 teams and 108 golfers participated. They split cash prizes and with individual contests many prizes were up for grabs. Save the date. Next year’s outing will be Aug. 8, 2014.

The competition was great, but the Buckeye Machine team of Neal Boyd, Kyle Boyd, Kris Thacker, and Dan Todd posted a 57 to take the first place low gross prize. Figuring in handicap compensations, the Peacock Water team of Cliff Collins, Kevin Rickenbacher, Jeff Dauterman, and Joe Miller claimed the first place low net prize with a 51.8.  Each team won $400.

Cliff Maier will head the Ada Music Boosters in 2013-14

The Ada School Music Boosters  recently elected new officers for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. The new officers are:

President: Cliff Maier
Secretary: Sherry Maier
Asst. Treasurer: Suzanne Hardesty
Treasurer: Dave Smittle
VP Parent Involvement: Dawn Waugh
VP Communications: Stacy Geedy
SCRIP Cards: Kim Smittle and Jeff Oestreich
Bingo Coordinator: Deb Rall


The 100th annual Ada Farmers' and Merchants' Picnic is underway! Here's one of the popular activities for the younger crowd. Watch for videos of the parade coming later today.
