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And another photo: Mystery beast story grabs Icon viewers' attention; lots of opinions offered

Click here for previous story on this animal.


The story of the mystery beast is quickly becoming one of the most popular stories ever posted on The Ada and Bluffton Icons. The story was posted on Monday evening on Bluffton Icon. Since that posting the Bluffton Icon's facebook notification of the story has reached over 1,450 and that number continues to grow. As of Wednesday afternoon, 1,045 viewers actually clicked on the story.

Village Voice: It’s back to school time: Use your eyes, use your ears…..

Parents, teachers, and students know it’s about that time. Ada Schools are scheduled to resume classes for the 2013-2014 school on Monday, Aug.19. Ohio Northern undergraduate courses are scheduled to resume on Monday, Aug. 26.

Those involved in back to school activities have their to-do lists full. Those who aren’t directly involved in activities make think the bustle at this time of year have nothing to do with them.

Weather report - feels like a typical August

The first half of this month has provided both warmth and a touch of fall in the evening temps.

According to local weather observer Guy Verhoff, in the days from August 1 through August 12 the highest temperature recorded was on August 7 at 84 degrees (F).  The lowest was recorded as 55 degrees on the overnights of August 2, August 4 and August 5.

There has been little precipitation, save for the inch plus of rain recieved on August 2.

NW Ohio Elite Diamond Sports softball team tryouts Aug. 24

Northwest Ohio Elite Diamond Sports will hold softball try outs for a 14U travel team on Saturday, Aug. 24, at 10 a.m. 

Try outs will be held at the Village Park in Bluffton. If you have questions, or in case of inclement weather, please contact Coach Brad Prater at 419-234-1206. 

Also, if you can't make the try out for some reason, call to see about scheduling a private try out.

Mystery creature spotted in Bluffton and near Lincoln Highway; but what is it?

Loch Ness has its monster and, now, it appears that Bluffton does, too. And maybe Ada.

Several sightings of an unidentified animal have been reported in Bluffton in the past week and two persons captured the creature on cell phone cameras. One Bluffton Icon viewer said the animal was also sighted near Lincoln Highway, which puts the animal in the Ada community.

Both photographs were reportedly taken on the north side of Bluffton in daylight hours. Speculation on the identify of the creature ranges all the way from a fox, a coyote, bobcat, or simply an unusual dog.

Kiwanis Club honors Von M. "Spot" Spellman with tree planting

Ada Kiwanis member Charles Van Dyne presents a special photo to Patsy Evans, of Ada. Evans' father, Von M. "Spot" Spellman, who was honored for his longtime Kiwanis service by the planting of a tree by the club in Ada's War Memorial Park.

The recent Kiwanis meeting was held to honor former Kiwanian, Von M. “Spot” Spellman. Normally, the dedication is held at War Memorial Park, but with the threat of prediction of inclement weather, the event was moved in-doors.
