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Ada's latest news

Flash flood

It wasn't your normal spring rain on Wednesday. Here's a view of a backyard on Pevee Road, north of State Route 81. More photos are below.

Wednesday's rain was everything from a flash flood to sprinkles

Wednesday's thundershowers were an odd mix of serious flooding on one property and mere sprinkles on another. The Icon has heard reports of rain of .25 inches all the way to over 4 inches.

Perhaps the heaviest hit area was between Lincoln Highway and State Route 81 north of Ada.

Here are views of the rain taken by Steve Stratton from his residence on Pevee Road. The views include a field behind his residence - no it's not Riley Creek or any stream.


40 school years ago - Ada's FTA


Forty school years ago, these students were members of the Ada High School Future Teachers Association.

When the rains came

It didn't appear to having the makings of a flash flood, but there were roads in rural Ada covered with water last night. The County Line Road south of County Line Church of the Brethren was covered. The eastbound entrance ramp to U.S. Route was also covered. High water warning signs were posted. This field west of Ada on State Rout 81 shows the seriousness of the rain. Mark Badertscher of the Hardin County Extension office reported a lot of variance in the county as rainfall reporters recorded from 0.25 to 2.61 inches.

Letter: Ada Learn to Swim Program needs volunteers

Icon viewers:

Summer has arrived and so has the time for Red Cross Swimming Lessons!  As in past years the Ada Learn To Swim Program is in need of aides to assist with the lessons.

Ages 12 and up, including adults are encourage to sign up to help others learn swimming
skills.  As little as an hour each day of lessons is helpful.  Lessons begin the week of July 7  for 2 weeks Monday through Friday each week.

Help is needed on deck for paperwork as well as in the water. You do not need to be a good swimmer to help others...we'll help you as well:)

Buy Local First Hardin County Summer Contest in the works

The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance will be hosting a Buy Local First Hardin County Summer Contest from June 14 to August 14. We are currently seeking businesses to partner with on this initiative to encourage people to shop local this summer.

Any Hardin County business may participate. Businesses would need to display the Buy Local First Hardin County sign and donate a gift certificate from your business.  Gift certificates must be a minimum of $20.
