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Ada's latest news

Update from Ada Kiwanis Club


President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday May 27 at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

Jon Umphress offered the invocation.

Member birthdays of Myrna McCurdy (May 28) and Scott Allison (May 29) were noted.

The membership anniversary of Mike Hood (June 1, 198) was also noted.

The wedding anniversary of John and Joanne Berg (May 29, 1955) was also noted.

I'll have my with catsup, mustard and onions, please

It's all about supporting a good cause.

On May 23, employees of Liberty National Bank provided hot dogs, chips, cookies and water outside the Ada office. During this time, they were also accepting donations to Hardin County Relay For Life. They collected $240 in donations.

"Liberty National Bank would like to thank the community for their support in helping find a cure for cancer," said Heather Cox of the bank.

A summer of words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, we might have have librarys. But this picture portraying what's in store this summer at the Ada Public Library, says it best. Long live libraries.

Presenting the Ada High School class of 2014

The class of 2014 graduated from Ada High School on Sunday. The Icon photographed the event for viewers. Additional photos are at the bottom of this story. (Bailey Bowers photos)


Ready for Pomp and circumstance

Lots of purple and gold in the Ada school hallway meant high school graduation on Sunday. For more photos click here. (Bailey Bowers photos)

15 minutes with Matthew Wilcox: Surprised? He'll major in exercise science

Interview and photo by Bailey Bowers

You just graduated from Ada High School as co-valedictorian. Tell us about where you’re going after high school.
I will be attending Ashland University in the fall.
