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Here's letter number 3 in the Ada A-B-C Summer Contest


Welcome to Ada’s A-B-C Summer Contest.

Each week in June and ending in the first week of July, The Icon will post two photos revealing one letter (or number) taken from Main Street Ada buildings and structures. All photos were taken in May by the Icon’s official contest photographer, Bailey Bowers. The photos cover Main from College Avenue on the south to Highland Avenue on the north.

We invite Icon viewers to keep track of the letters by identifying each letter’s location. An entry form is attached to this story for viewers to keep up to date in the contest.

15 minutes with Allen Jenkins: He's a business major focusing on accounting and finance at BGSU

15 Minutes with Allen Jenkins, 2013 AHS Grad
Interview by Bailey Bowers

What have you been up to since your graduation from Ada High School?
​After high school, I chose to go to college at Bowling Green State University and pursue a business degree specializing in Accounting and Finance. Some people may be confused about the word specializing because most business schools don't have specializations. At BG, all business students earn a BS in Business Administration and then they chose to specialize in an area of business. 

Ohio Northern University honors distinguished alumni

Ohio Northern University’s Alumni Association presented Distinguished Alumni Awards during a banquet on May 31.

The awards, recognizing outstanding service and loyalty, were presented to Jason Duff, James Gallagher, Michael Grandillo and Steven Roebuck. The banquet was part of Northern’s 2014 Alumni Weekend, held May 30 to June 1.

Village Voice: Watering your garden with potable water? Consider the summer sewer credit

Watering your garden and/or lawn with potable water? Consider the Summer Sewer Credit.

Each summer, many Ada residents increase their water usage as a result of watering their gardens and lawns. Per Codified Ordinance 921.13, residents may apply for a sewer credit to help offset that added sewer expense.

An annual fee of $5.00 must be paid in order to qualify for the credit. That payment can be made at the Water Office, beginning immediately.

Can you dig it?

Men are at work at the intersection of Main and Lima Avenue. A waterline is being place under intersection and is part of the Lima Avenue improvement project. Click here to read the Ada Iconoclast column on wondering what's under the pavement and to watch a video of the work.

Ada superintendent explains new expectations from Ohio Department of Education

During the school year that just ended, teachers and administrators at Ada Schools have been adjusting to new expectations from the Ohio Department of Education, according to Dr. Suzanne Darmer, superintendent.

“One of the major changes that occurred is the way teacher performance is evaluated,” she wrote in a letter to members of the school community in late May.

Her letter explains several things about the new expectations, including:
