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The Village Voice: It’s okay to hug a tree, just please don’t hang anything on it!

We start to see signs go up all over town around this time of year. Advertisements for garage sales, local events and contractor work are some of the most common signs we see throughout the summer. Having such signs visible is great for the event, sale or contractor, especially when the signs look nice.

Locations for the signs are crucial for visibility. However, there are some places that the signs are not permitted.

Per Ordinance 741.13, titled “Posting Bills,” hanging any kind of sign on trees, fences or utility poles on public grounds of the Village is not allowed, regardless of how those signs are hung.

Not rocket science

It's not rocket science - it's silly science. That's what's happening this week at Ready, Set, Grow Preschool: Silly Science Week. These two camps kept their science garbs on while working on lunch.

Music on Main returns Friday evening - downtown

Music on Main is back!

The Buy Ada First Committee invites the community downtown on Friday night at the Ada railroad depot park. The event is from 6 to 8 p.m.

Here’s the schedule:
• Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant or buy pre-sale tickets to Ada Rotary’s chicken barbecue fundraiser at Hays Insurance.
• Visit local businesses and listen and dance to music at the depot parking lot
• Take in the fun car display and the hula hoop contest
• Music is provided by WONB 94.9 FM – hits for the ‘50s and ‘60s
• Bring your lawn chair and spend time with your friends and neighbors

1924 - were they called the bulldogs?


The year is 1924.

Were they purple and gold? Were they Bulldogs? Where did they play?

Perhaps an Icon viewer knows the answer to these questions. Here is the Ada High School football team from 90 seasons ago. It's the first in a series of anniversay Ada football teams.

Front  - Wertheimer (mascot)

Bottow row, from left, Mr. Stauffer, Ferrall, McElroy, Shelly, Baransy, Captain Doersam, Peterson, Anspach, Gallant, Stemple, Coach Morehead.

Second row, from left, Jameson, Wood, R. Long, J. Long, Baum, J. Klingler, E. Klingler, Snyder, Poling.

May 19-25 Ada police call logs

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided the Icon with the Ada police call logs for May 19 to 25. They are in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Midwest Youth Team Tennis returns to Ada this summer

Midwest Youth Team Tennis returns to Ada this summer, according to Scott Wills.


The registration deadline is Wednesday, June 25. The league season begins July 16 and ends July 28. Matches and practice is at the Ohio Northern University’s tennis courts and/or the Ada Park.

Practice and matches take place July 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 and 27. Times per age division follow:
Ages 4-6 – 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Ages 7-10 – 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Ages 11 and up – 7:30-8:30 p.m.
