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Yes, you may send flowers to Dad on June 15

Who told you that you can't send flowers on Father's Day?

Carol Slane Florist, 410 S. Main St., Ada, begs to differ. The Ada florist has a wide variety of ideas just for dad.

But, hurry. Father's Day is Sunday, June 15.

Carol Slane Florist
410 S. Main St.

Ideal Images now taking orders for fall sports wear and spirit wear

It's not too soon to think about fall team sports wear and spirit wear.

"We're starting to take orders for fall merchandise," said Rachel Webster of Ideal Images.

To check out fall sports wear options contact Webster at:
Ideal Images
114 E. College Ave.

Ada seniors meet on June 13

The Ada Seniors will be meeting at noon on Wednesday, June 13,  at Community Health Professionals on S. Main Street for Pizza and cards.  Members and visitors welcome.

Sign up underway for summer lessons at Krysti's Music Studio

Krysti's Music Studio, South Main Street, Bluffton, is now accepting students who wish to give lessons a try this summer, says Krysti Schey.

Summer lessons begin the week of June 16.  Call or text Schey at 419-233-5255 for more details, visit the website listed below or click on the registration form, also below.

Click here for the registration form.

They taught your grandparents


Meet the Ada High School staff - 70 school years ago. Here are the teachers during the 1943-44 school year.

Front row from left, Evelyn Niswander, Ruth Huber, Hazel Tallman, R.O. Clymer, Evelyn Smith and Izora Anspach.

Standing from left, Alvin Augsburger, Mabel Mertz, Mabel Crawford, Pauline Widner, Leroy Iams, Eugene Coleman and Kelly Danford.

(From the Ada High School yearbook, collection of Ada Public Library)

A handbar grin

Layne Simon sports a mustache and he grew it instantaneously. Layne and his brother, Landon, were among countless Ada youth who enjoyed Saturday's Ada Public Library summer reading program kickoff. One of the activites was face painting.
