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Turn of the century flags

Here are members of the Ada High School flag corp 15 school years ago, from the 1999-2000 school year. Members from left, Rachel Maris, Courtney East, Sara Gulbis, Alicia VanAtta, Eric Cole, Katie Garver, Vanessa Ward, Christina Rowe, Megan Preston, Kristin Ward and Jenise Smalley.


Asteroid close encounter Monday - see it at the ONU Observatory

The ONU Astronomy Club invites Icon viewers to a special event from 8 to 10 p.m., Monday, Jan. 26, according to Jason Pinkney. The event is free and open to the public.

“Normally we meet on Fridays, but on this day, a small asteroid (0.3 miles across) will fly safely past the Earth close enough to be seen through our telescopes. The closest approach is about three times the distance to the Moon,” he said.

Asteroid 2004 BL86 will pass through the constellation Cancer during the evening, and its motion should be detectable to the eye (unlike most asteroids).

Cantare Singers' auditions Monday

...Ev'rybody Start to Sing! Who?  3rd - 7th graders. What? Singing and more! When? Mondays 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. Where? Miss Vicki's Music Studio, Ada. Auditions are Monday, Jan. 26, from 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. Or call to schedule another audition time. Call 419-679-8259.

Facts about the Ada Public Library that you'll never believe

Q: Do you know how the Ada Public Library got its start?

A: Would you believe the restroom of old town hall of Ada? 

Why: A few books were placed in the restroom of the old town hall for the country women to read while waiting there.

That's what Amanda Bennett of the Ada Public Library told members of the Ada Kiwanis Club on Jan. 20. There more:

Sebok Pharmacy Lecture focus ‘Pharmacy Education: Preparing Pharmacists for a Lifetime of Patient Care’

Peggy Piascik, the 2013-14 president of the American Association of Colleges and Pharmacy (AACP) and current professor of pharmacy practice and science at the University of Kentucky, will be the guest speaker for the sixth annual Sebok Pharmacy Lecture established by the Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy. Piascik will deliver her lecture, “Pharmacy Education: Preparing Pharmacists for a Lifetime of Patient Care,” in the ONU Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, Feb. 13, at 1 p.m.

Drum roll,'s the Ada school honor roll

Here is the Ada Schools honor roll for the second quarter of the 2014/2015 school year:

12TH GRADE: Alexis Amburgey, Noah Beach, Blake Hall, Allison Howard, Gabriella Linnon, Abby Petersen, Madison Stoner, Caralee Stover, Cody Stransky, Victoria Wyss.

11TH GRADE: Benjamin Bowers, Alexandra Boyadzhiev, Rylan Hissong, Alissa Schlachter, Megan Simon, Katey Stuart, Ashley Sumner, Casey Swick, Blake Willeke.

10TH GRADE: Ashley Breidenbach, Rielyn Castle, Taryn Fullom, Meredith Marshall, Elizabeth Milks.
