Posted by Paula Scott on Saturday, October 16, 2021
To Ada Voters:
A while back I called the local library to confirm the “tween waffle” night details. I accidentally called the public library in Ada, Oklahoma instead of our Ada. Needless to say, the Okie was so confused. Quickly, I realized my mistake and said as much. However, that Oklahoman librarian stayed on the line and wanted to hear more details--More details about a regular event at the library for tweens in Ada, Ohio. The Oklahoman said that tween waffle night sure did sound interesting and mentioned how lucky we were to have such an awesome library. I could not have agreed any more with that stranger!
Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
Posted by Paula Scott on Friday, October 15, 2021
You may remember one of the lines from the 1987 movie The Princess Bride. The movie debuted on October 9 of that year. The 98-minute movie won the 1988 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, as well as being named in the top 100 greatest love stories by the American Film Institute. In the movie, Miracle Max and Valerie, played by actors Billy Crystal and Carol Kane, had the famously repeated line of “have fun storming the castle.” In the movie, they are using the term literally by indicating that Inigo Montoya, Fezzik, and Wesley were going to storm Prince Humperdinck’s castle to save Princess Buttercup.
Ohio Northern University recently tweeted this photo and message: "The friends you make your first year at ONU tend to remain your friends for life. Beanies, however, do go out of style." What current style will cause future eye rolls?
Ada Exempted Village School superintendent Larry Claypool provided the following information to the Icon regarding the current makeup of the Ada Board of Education and the seats to be filled by the November 2 election.
Board member Ernest Daugherty submitted his resignation and it was approved at the July 29 special Board of Education meeting. Tom Dearth was appointed at the August 18 regular Board of Education meeting to finish this term, which ends December 31, 2021. This seat will be filled by the November 2 election.