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Here comes March event in Ada

Varsity Singers' performance, PaintINN and more

It appears that March is coming in like a lamb, and that’s the way we like it.

At the same time, Ada events are starting up appear after a very, very long winter’s nap.

Here’s Ada’s Hometown Happenings, compiled by Darlene Bowers for the Ada Icon.

You’ll discover many events planned at Ada schools including a Varsity Singers’ performance and National Honor Society inductions.

Klondike’s birthday is March 16 at Ohio Northern University as are several prospective student events that bring people to Ada.

The Inn at ONU offers a March PaintInn plus Thursday-Saturday Dinner Club. And, ugh, there's a time change in a direction that no fun on March 14.

Every week has seven days

The Icon stopped into to Ready, Set Grow Preschool during playtime earlier this week. Three students were very focused on the Days of the Week Song, as evident in this photo. "Every week has seven days..."

Ada teachers and staff take the first step

Nearly 85 vaccinations given on Friday by ONU HealthWise Pharmacy staff

Vaccinations bring images to mind of elementary students visiting a doctor prior to school opening.

The tables switched on Friday. Ada school teachers and staff members had their turn receiving vaccines. They received their first of two doses of the Moderna covid-19 vaccine.

Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy staff members vaccinated nearly 85 adults in the three-hour clinic, which delayed the start of school until 10:35 a.m.

Meri Skilliter, Ada superintendent, said that the school appreciates its relationship with the ONU pharmacy program and thanked them for setting up and administering the clinic.

An Ada el gato

The Icon visited Ada schools Friday morning to take photos of staff and teachers being vaccinated by ONU HealthWise staff. On the way home we couldn't help but notice this feline in a Grand Street window. It was gazing out the window when we arrived at the school and still looking out when we left. The image of the branches in the window reflection make this an even more outstanding scene.

Live theatre you can watch at home this weekend

ONU staged production of "The House of Bernarda Alba"

The ONU School of Visual and Performing Arts will present a staged production of “The House of Bernarda Alba” by Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca  Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 26 through Feb. 28 via livestream on

Performances will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27, with 2 p.m. matinee performances on Feb. 27 and Feb. 28.

“This COVID-compliant production explores the effects isolation can have and how challenging it can be to break free of toxic situations when you are so isolated,” says director Cait Robinson.

Breastfeeding virtual presentation March 3

Blanchard Valley Health System will host a virtual presentation on Breastfeeding.

The program is part of its Live and Learn series. The program is livestreamed from noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 3. Viewers may tune in following directions on the above flyer.
