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Ada's latest news

So, you think you know Ada? The answer

So, you think you know Ada? IONA may be a college on New Rochelle, New York, but in this case, IONA is part of the Liberty NatIONAl Bank on Main Street, Ada.

Playing with fire

Luke Sheets has ceramic piece accepted in New York exhibit

Luke Sheets, associate professor in art and ceramics professor at Ohio Northern, has a piece accepted to the art exhibit “Playing with Fire: Altered Atmospheres.”

The show is organized by the Saratoga Clay Arts Center in New York and is a national juried exhibition of 68 functional and decorative works by 59 clay artists.

The exhibition opens on Saturday, March 13 and runs through April 24.

Sheets has working in clay for over 20 years. After completing his BFA in ceramics, he worked in his own studio creating and firing wood-fired pottery.

Kesewa and Ian, Ada HS Elk teenagers of the month

Both seniors are active in and outside of school

Kesewa Akyeampong and Ian Dellifield, both seniors, are the Kenton Elks  February Ada High School teenagers of the month.

Among Kesewa’s school involvement includes participation in band,  show choir, plus leadership in several organizations.

She is show choir president, senior class secretary, and  has performed as soloist in spring fever follies where she received the best performer award, and was a participant in Interclass competition where she received a first place in dramatic reading and second place in poetry. She was the marching band drum major this school year.

Ada by night

You've paused at this stoplight by day. How about at night? Ken Collins shares some Ada by night photos with viewers, adding a different perspective on the community. In addition to this familar Main Street scene are two photos from the depot park plus a full moon over Ada. Note that the moon is framed between two electrical wire.

ONU presents dance for camera film

"SHIFT" livestreamed March 19 to 21

The Ohio Northern University School of Visual and Performing Arts will present a dance for camera film titled “SHIFT” from Friday to Sunday, March 19 through March 21, via livestream on

The film will be broadcast at 7:30 p.m. on March 19 and March 20, with a 2 p.m. matinee broadcast on March 21.

Focusing on the shift of weight, time and space, faculty and student choreographers will present a dance concert based on personal narratives, experiences and emotions using the moving body through the lens of contemporary, pointe, modern, jazz and tap genres.

Look who is on the OSU-Lima dean's list

Several area students are on the Ohio State-Lima autumn semester dean’s list. Criteria varies by college. It is usually based on the grade point average for  the term and the number of credit hours taken. Many colleges require a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a 3.5 GPA or higher.

Sarah Blevins
Allison Dotson
Emma Jameson
Breanna Miller
Kelly Preston
Jessica Robinson
Rakan Roda
Alexis Swaney
Paul Yuhasz

Tayler Lawrence

Virginia Mills
Gabriella Weaver

Ashley Breidenbach
