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Ada's latest news

Leaf season will soon be upon us

As a service to residents, the Village will once again be picking up leaves that have been raked by residents. More details will be forthcoming in the October 31 issue of the Village Voice.

For now, the Village wants to let you know that the annual leaf pick up flyers will once again be mailed with the September water bills. Those bills are scheduled to be mailed by September 28.

The first day for 2013 leaf pick up is scheduled for November 4, weather permitting.

For more details, refer to the insert with your water bill, check with the Village Office, or visit the Village website at .

Scott Allison gives Kiwanis members the inside details of how to put on a harvest and herb festival

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club at 12 noon on Tuesday September 17, at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University.

Jon Umphress offered the invocation.

Elizabeth McKinney, vice-president ONU Circle, K was welcomed as a guest.

The birthdays of Charles Van Dyne, David MacDonald and Marilyn Green were noted.

The membership anniversary of Harold Friesner (September 21, 2007) was also noted.

The wedding anniversary of Joe and Linda Ferguson (September 23, 1972)-41 years was also noted.

Members were asked to keep Mark Light and Al Baillis in our prayers.

Bluffton invites Ada residents to Saturday's fall festival

Last weekend was Ada's Harvest and Herb Fest. This is Bluffton's turn for weekend events. Activities are planned in many locations in the 10th annual Bluffton Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept. 28.

The community-wide festival offers lots of family-oriented events, free and open to the public, according to Daren Lee of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, who coordinates the festival.

Docia L. Hall, 1921-2013

Docia L. Hall, age 91, died Monday, September 23, 2013 at 9:14 p.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima, Ohio.

She was born on November 10, 1921 in Prestonsburg, KY to Jake and Eliza (Puckett) Holbrook and they preceded her in death. On November 28, 1938 she married Harlan G. Hall and he died July 20, 1983.

Docia was a homemaker. She was a member of the Quickstep Pentecostal Church of God of Alger and a member of the Topps Weight Loss Club of Kenton.

Cruising in the cruiser

Mike Harnishfeger, Ada Police Chief, enjoyed his slow cruise down Main Street Ada on Saturday. The police chief was one of the lead vehicles in the Harvest and Herb Festival Parade.

Final farmers' market Thursday

The final Ada farmers’ market of the season takes place on Thursday, Sept. 26, at the Community Health Professionals, according to Deb Curlis, president of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce.

Market hours are 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The market is open to the public.
