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Richland Manor employee serves annual picnic for residents

Richland Manor has always been known for having big-hearted staff members.The staff seems to always go above and beyond to help residents feel more at home.

One staff member, Flo, who is a Richland Manor nurse, goes to great lengths for the past 10 years by hosting a picnic at her home for current and former residents and their family members.

On June 11, she hosted her annual event and over 30 residents attended. Flo and many volunteers from Richland Manor made the picnic special for the guests by making spectacular dishes and desserts.

"This event is special to the residents and they always look forward to Flo’s picnic," said Liz Abel of Richland Manor.

Former ONU president featured in ‘West Point Leadership: Profiles of Courage’

Dr. DeBow Freed, president emeritus of Ohio Northern University, is featured in the new book “West Point Leadership: Profiles of Courage,” which lauds his public service career.

The book covers Freed’s 23 years of active military duty, five years as a college dean, and 32 years as a president of two colleges and universities while noting his lifetime of service to the nation.

Zooming in on Dr. Lehr

A zoom lens can create interesting perspectives. Take this photo of the statue of Dr. Lehr on the ONU campus. It appears that the founder of ONU is pondering his garden.

Let the yard sales begin! All 43 (and actually lots more)


It's a garage saler's dream. Forty-three garage sales in the larger Ada community on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 8-9-10. Simply put, it's the Main Street Across American 2013 Buy-Way Yard Sale, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the famous Lincoln Highway.

Four attachments to this story provide lists, addresses and dates of the 43 area garage sales.

Kiwanis memorial tree dedication Aug. 6 in Ada park

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon on Tuesday July 30th in McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered Jon Umphress.

The wedding anniversary of Peter and Jeanie Previte (8/02/1975) was noted.

Tom Kier was congratulated on being appointed Interim Dean of the Raabe College of Pharmacy at ONU.

In business:
-Members were updated on club finances.

-The Memorial Tree Dedication is set for Wednesday August 6th 6:00 p.m. at War Memorial Park. The family of Von Spellman (honoree) is planning on attending. There will be no Tuesday noon meeting.

Eight Hardin 4-H youth in state fair rabbit skillathon

Students are photographed left to right, bottom to top.

119 youth from all over Ohio participated in the Ohio State Fair rabbit contests. Of those 119, eight were from Hardin County youth. The competitions included Rabbit Skillathon, Breed Identification, Judging and Showmanship. In the Judging contest, youth judged four rabbits of four different breeds against the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard of Perfection and placed each according to compliance with the standard.
