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Ada's latest news

Saturday 5K Run/Walk supports Amelia Griffin

The Ada community continues to support one of its younger residents – Amelia Griffin. She is the daughter of Beau and Christina Griffin. Her brothers are Jude, 7, and Willie, 3.

Four-year-old Amelia was  diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer. She has a tumor next to her spine and metastasized to her spine. Click here for an early story posted on the Icon about Amelia.

Here's September's entertainment schedule at Viva Maria's

Viva Maria's Pizza and Pasta is ready to entertain you on weekend's. Here's the September entertainment schedule:

Sept 4, Matt and Ashkey;
Sept 5, Gene Parker and Friends;
Sept. 11, Chris Buzzelli and Maria Fricano;
Sept. 12, Jim Boedicker;
Sept 18, Gene Parker;
Sept. 19, Maria Fricano;
Sept. 25, Chris Buzzelli and Maria Fricano;
Sept. 26, Jim Boedicker.

Can you believe it! Harvest and Herb Fest almost here

Harvest and Herb Festival!

It’s almost time. Saturday, Sept. 19, is the date of the 30th annual Harvest and Herb Festival, sponsored by the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce.

Here’s the schedule of events:
• 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Booths open on Main Street
• 10 a.m. – Parade on Main Street

Lincoln Highway license plate may become a reality

Lincoln Highway enthusiasts may have their own Ohio license plate if enough persons pre-order the plates.

The Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles needs 150 plates reserved by Sept. 30 for the plates to be available to all Ohio residents.

Proceeds will help support the preservation and promotion of the highway, which is a few miles north of Ada.

An attachment at the bottom of this story is a form for Icon viewers to make a commitment to purchase the plates. Another attachment explains more details about the plate.

Flower child

To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, "You can't grow a garden by sitting on a rock and singing, 'Oh, how beautiful,'" but you can grow a garden for a child. Here, Lynnsey Mae Freed sits on a rock in the depot park garden, surrounded by bright red zinnias, as her mom takes pictures. Lynnsey Mae is the two-year-old daughter of AJ and Megan Freed. (Monty Siekerman)

Music on Main moves to noon on Sept. 15

The Buy Ada First committee will hold a special afternoon Music on Main for Lunch at the Ada Depot Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Music will be provided by WONB 94.9 FM - From the '50s to today.

Jalapenos Mexican Grill will offer an assortment of lunch items, or persons may pack lunch and bring it to the park.

Liberty National Bank will offer free popcorn and water. This event will be held rain or shine.
