Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, February 13, 2020
The United Way of Hardin County invites Icon viewers to provide items for its radio day auction held Saturday, March 28, according to Phyllis Griffith.
“Residents and businesses are invited to donate items, which can include products, gift baskets, services, gift certificates, to be auctioned on March 28,” said Phyllis.
Contact the United Way office at 419-675-1860 for more details. The auction is broadcast over WKTN FM, Kenton, and bidding supports 22 agencies in the Hardin County United Way.
Carol Warmbrod attended Ada school; for a time was a secretary at ONU
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, February 13, 2020
Carol Warmbrod is in the Vancrest Ada resident spotlight this month. A story and photo of her are featured in this month’s Vancrest newsletter.
Carol attended Ada school and graduated from Hardin Northern. A farm girl, she grew up on a farm where there were cows, pigs and chickens. An avid baseball fan, she played that sport and basketball in high school.
She and her husband, Dale, a farmer, were married in 1957, after high school graduation. They had two children. Carol worked for a time as a secretary at Ohio Northern University and later in Blossom Gallery, floral shop, Kenton.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Ada boys' and girls junior high basketball games vs. Allen East are rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 5 pm. All junior high and elementary practices are cancelled today, Feb. 13.
Pre-sale tickets for the boys' varsity basketball games vs. Lincolnview on Friday will be on sale in the HS office from 1 to 2 p.m., Friday, Feb. 14.
By Brandon Blackford
Edward Jones financial advisor, Bluffton
On Valentine’s Day, you can give your spouse or life partner a traditional gift such as candy or flowers.
But once you’ve done that, why not think about something that can provide longer-lasting benefits for your loved one? Specifically, think about ways to provide a lifetime of financial protection.
You can do this in several ways, including:
Protection while you’re alive – As you know, it’s usually necessary for both partners or spouses to work to maintain a household – so if your income were to disappear, even temporarily, it could present a big problem.
Ada Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room at the Ada Public Library, 320 N. Main Street.
This meeting is open to the public, and is always open to new members.
ONU’s HealthWise Pharmacy will be at Beatitudes tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 14, between 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., offering blood glucose checks to patrons.
A blood glucose screening checks the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood stream – too high or too low glucose could indicate a serious medical condition, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
These checks are part of a partnership between Beatitudes community center and Ohio Northern University’s HealthWise Pharmacy, offering free health screenings to residents in the community, according to Deb Curlis of Beatitudes, and Dr. Clay Miller of HealthWise.
Police chief's year-end report includes 30 pages of information
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Traffic accidents in Ada have decreased drastically in the past three years, with 37 reported in 2019, 42 in 2018 and 59 in 2017.
Accidents, criminal summons issued and incident reports also decreased from 2018 to 2019.
Traffic citations increased and parking violations remained nearly unchanged from 2018 to 2019.
Those are among statistics Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, reported to Ada council in his comprehensive 30-page year-end report. The report includes a four-page overview of the department, plus other department information.
Viewers may read the entire report in the attachment at the bottom of this story.
David Dellifield, Jodi Dearth, Sheila Coressel, Natalie Walton and Rhett Grant tell about their experiences
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, February 12, 2020
By Barbara Lockard
David Dellifield, director of ONU’s McIntosh Center, would not have met the Kenton fire captain if it hadn’t been for Hardin Leadership.
“The program connected me to people in the county that I would not have met on a daily basis,” said Dellifield.
A graduate of the 2013 Hardin Leadership Program, Dellifield holds a bachelor’s degree from ONU and a master’s from Bluffton University. Having grown up in the Allen East area and living out of state for a few years, however, put him at a disadvantage when it came to a knowledge of area individuals and resources.