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Environmental Politics class and ONU Recycles celebrates the "earth"

Saturday on the Tundra

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Dogs like Earth Day, at least Penny does because she got a new toy. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority sisters showed passers-by how to repurpose old t-shirts by cutting the shirts into strips then braiding the cloth into a dog toy.

Several organizations had tables set up on the Tundra on Saturday to celebrate Earth Day, encouraging recycling and repurposing material.

There were even free cookies with blue icing indicating oceans and green icing for continents—you could swallow all of the Western Hemisphere in just a few bites.

Earth Day was organized by the Environmental Politics class and ONU Recycles.

• Cookies for Earth Day: Skylar Heggins, 4, and Maya Heggins, 6.

• Kelsey Gaines (left) and Hannah Dennison make dog toys from unwanted t-shirts.
