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Bike rodeo Saturday morning downtown

The Ada Police Department and the Ada Kiwanis Club will hold a village bike rodeo from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 10.

The rodeo takes place in the municipal parking lot behind the police station.

There will  be door prizes, a bicycle obstacle course and refreshments for youth 3 to 12. The Ada fire and EMS will be present to allow youth to see the equipment.

Bike helmets will be given to all participants.

It rhymes with "pouring"

Students at Ready, Set, Grow Preschool prepare for their year end celebration and program on May 18. The program includes students reciting several poems like..."It's raining, it's pouring...the old man is..." You know the routine. Here are three of the students in a practice session.

Jacque Sperling ready to close the book on teaching art

Story and photo by Darlene Bowers
“Art education for me is all about the students. I am there to encourage them in their art making, introduce them to old and new mediums and their uses, share artists’ lives and styles of art with them. Young artists and their enthusiasm are why I am in the classroom.”

These words are the credo of Jacque Sperling, teacher, encourager, guider, eternal cheerleader. Jacque will be retiring from her art classroom at Ada Schools in a couple short weeks.

Born and raised on an Ada farm, Jacque attended Ohio Northern University and was interested in geology and the sciences but decided upon art education for her degree.

Ohio Northern University 2014 law commencement May 18

Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law will celebrate its 2014 commencement ceremony in the ONU Sports Center on Sunday, May 18, at 2 p.m. Approximately 100 students will be awarded degrees, and Daniel DiBiasio, Ohio Northern University president, will preside.

The ONU Sports Center is scheduled to open for the commencement exercises at 12:30 p.m. A musical prelude will begin at 1:30 p.m., followed by the procession of faculty and Juris Doctor candidates.

First student with BS in engineering education will graduate from ONU

Ohio Northern University will award the nation’s first Bachelor of Science in engineering education to Elizabeth Spingola, a 2014 candidate for graduation from Butler, Pa., during commencement ceremonies on Sunday, May 11.

Spingola, who will enter a Ph.D. program in engineering education at Virginia Tech following her graduation, is the first graduate from the ONU engineering education program, which was introduced in 2011.

Bluffton Hospital offers free mammograms thanks to Komen grant

Blanchard Valley Health System has received a grant from the Northwest Ohio Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for $58,374 to provide free mammograms to uninsured low and middle income women and men in Hancock and surrounding counties through the Hancock County Mammography Screening Initiative (HCMSI). The mammograms are offered at both Woman Wise Mammography in Findlay and Bluffton Hospital.
